

  • I'm glad you walked away from the cookies! Good for you! I can't have sweets in the house or else I eat 'em all, then my boyfriend will come looking for them a few days later and wonder where they went! Next time you are craving something, just think to yourself, "I could have ___________ (Insert junk food of choice) and…
  • @omgzstef: Hang in there! Have you had any other conditions checked out besides your thyroid? What is your carb intake like? I was diagnosed about a month ago with Insulin Resistance--my body creates too much insulin because it's not responding to normal levels of it. I found out that I am eating way too many carbs (mainly…
  • @PickleFrits (Just realized I didn't quote your post! Sorry!) Part of that is because after 8pm your metabolism shuts down, so the later you eat, the more stuff you are going to have sitting in your body because it is taking longer to metabolize and break down. And it would make sense that an hour after getting up you'd be…
  • I'll be 24 a week from tomorrow!
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