cyncm Member


  • Fact is that protein is the most expensive macro ingredient, so eating out or convenience foods are going to be much heavier on carbs and fat. My goal is 113g protein, 150g carbs, 50g fat and 21g fibre on a 1500 cal/day regime - I think of every meal as a goal of 40% P, 40%C, 30%F. I agree your carbs seem high for losing…
  • Hi Michelle - I had a look at the last week of your food diary, and had a couple of ideas... First, your breakfast is very low cal and not much bulk to keep you going. I am working with a coach and one of her biggest messages is to make breakfast your biggest meal, with real food that fills you up, lunch the next, and…
  • I've had great success in getting rid of my sugar cravings by following a low-glycemic diet. Check out the GI Diet for the basics. If you want to understand exactly what happens in your body when you eat high-glycemic food, read the Zone. Cravings for sugar are - maybe always? - caused by a dramatic drop in the insulin…