Ok so I'm 5'2 150-155lbs. I started last May at 180lbs. I lost 30lbs by aug last year. Ever since I haven't lost anything. I've maintained or even gained! I run 15mins a day 4 times a week and lift pretty heavy 4 days. Then I do one- two 30-45 min spinning classes days I'm not lifting. I eat pretty clean (see diary) except for a few days I cave a little. Especially working restaurant weekends /: struggle. My thing is eating 1200-1400 calories a day I should be losing... And I don't believe it's muscle gain because you can't gain muscle in a deficit! I'm ready to meet my goal of 130-125lbs! It's so frustrating! Has anyone had this problem?! I'm debating even going to see a doctor because I think after almost a year my body should be cooperating and losing weight again! I don't believe in starvation mode because eventually your body comes down to cal burn to cals in! I've even recently changed my fitness pal to lose only 1lb a week. It upped my calories to 1400 cal a day but all I've seen is a gain! this isn't even maintenance what the heck is happening... Ugh so frustrating! ????????


  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    Weigh your food. You may be eating more than you think. I just recently bought a scale. Eye opener for sure
  • agrafina
    agrafina Posts: 128 Member
    Open your diary. It will help people give you better feedback.

    Do you have a scale? Do you track on those days you don't eat clean?
  • coasterphile
    coasterphile Posts: 16 Member
    If you can. purchase a heart rate monitor. You are counting your calories, but sometimes it helps to know your calorie burn, (more precisely than just time spent in exercise). It may help in the evaluation of your situation.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    ^^^^ Actually what all three just said - I cannot add anymore! :flowerforyou:
  • MichelleNicole93
    MichelleNicole93 Posts: 89 Member
    I use a scale and measure everything! Im kinda active, I don't know if Ive been eating too little and that messed up my metabolism or if its just an issue somewhere else...
  • coasterphile
    coasterphile Posts: 16 Member
    Also, a little more of my thoughts about a HRM: after you get one, wear it ALL DAY on an OFF DAY when you do NOT exercise. This will help you know what your natural burn is when you simply "live". This is a good idea of how many calories you "need". Eat this much, because it's what your body needs. Any less, your body thinks it should kick in starvation/ survival mode and it lowers your metabolism.
  • agrafina
    agrafina Posts: 128 Member
    Okay, if your past week is any indication, you are going over your calories by 300 for the week. If you are set to lose at a pound a week, that is over half your deficit. You aren't hitting 1200-1400 calories if you are having one or two seriously over days like you did the last week. You are netting way more than you think. If you aren't using an HRM to get a more accurate sense of your calorie burn than what MFP gives, that could account for wiping out the rest of your deficit.

    Use an HRM, eat back fewer of your exercise calories, and rein in the eating on the days when you eat over your limit.
  • agrafina
    agrafina Posts: 128 Member
    Also, a little more of my thoughts about a HRM: after you get one, wear it ALL DAY on an OFF DAY when you do NOT exercise. This will help you know what your natural burn is when you simply "live". This is a good idea of how many calories you "need". Eat this much, because it's what your body needs. Any less, your body thinks it should kick in starvation/ survival mode and it lowers your metabolism.

    HRMs have a larger error at lower intensities. They are most accurate for moderate to vigorous activity. I wouldn't trust an HRM calorie burn estimate for non-cardio activity.
  • emmy724
    emmy724 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks so much for posting your question and answers. I am 5'2 as well 145 pounds. Looking to get down to 135 maybe 130. Have been having a hard time lately, losing weight. Started using my food scale again and hope that helps. Have been at 145 for a couple months now with not much change. Thanks for the suggestions!
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Do you really weigh everything? Odd that your chicken breast for lunch, dinner is the same everyday.
  • cyncm
    cyncm Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Michelle - I had a look at the last week of your food diary, and had a couple of ideas...

    First, your breakfast is very low cal and not much bulk to keep you going. I am working with a coach and one of her biggest messages is to make breakfast your biggest meal, with real food that fills you up, lunch the next, and dinner the smallest, maybe even making it carb-free. You seem to go for the easy standard breakfast, and so do I. I make up 5 containers every Sunday for my work week, containing 1/2 c fat-free cottage cheese, 3/4 c fat free, sucralose sweetened yoghurt, and some kind of fruit (berries to 1 c, sweeter fruit like pineapple only 1/2c). That's 172 cal, 20g protein, 22 carbs, 0 fat, and 4g fibre. I usually have 1% and a tbsp of cream in my coffee too. Another favorite is scrambled eggs w low carb veg, 1 egg, 1/2 egg whites and dry high fibre toast. Another is 1/2 c large flake oatmeal, with a "custard" made with 1c 1% milk and a scoop of ice cream flavoured protein powder, cooked gentley until thickened slightly.

    Second, when I tried to lose weight by working out - and weights are great for women according to the research - I found out from a trainer that the body is programmed to conserve energy. If we do the same thing week in, week out, the body adapts. You've got to switch it up. Look at the training guides for athletes.

    Third - muscle does weigh more than fat!! Instead of going by your scale, go by your tape measure and the fit of your jeans. My scale says I've lost hardly anything and gained back what I lost in the last 3 weeks. But when I tried on my one-size-too-small clothes this weekend, a pair of cropped pants fit for the first time in months. I usually record my weight and basic measurements once a week max.

    I don't know much about "starvation mode" for you cause I'm 5'9" and much heavier. But have you checked whether your goals are reasonable? both your goal weight and for how much you lose per week. I lost 2 lb per week 2 years ago for 4 months and thought it was perfectlly reasonable but now it's come back and my coach says that's too much too fast. I've since noticed other sources suggesting 1 lb per week should be your average goal. So take your total time losing and see if the average is 1 lb per week. If it is you are doing great.
  • MichelleNicole93
    MichelleNicole93 Posts: 89 Member
    @stacimarie197 - yes I actually cut my breasts into 5oz each purposely and weigh them out on a scale to make them the EXACT same weight so I know exactly what I'm eating.... and I don't have to make seperate meals... basically eating the same thing.
    @agrafina - that actually was what i was thinking... But mostly when I log Im not ever calculating in my exercises mostly because i Think myfitnesspal is a bit too generous with the measurements and even if I was eating low cal most days 1200 cal then i went over a few days it should be like eating maintenance and i would still be at a deficit right?
    @cyncm - what Ive heard is that you can't build muscle while in a deficit which is why I feel as if Im doing something wrong... i don't measure myself which is PROBABLY a good idea...also morning I have such a hard time eating ): Im never hungry for anything other than a bar :/ maybe I should try making my breakfast a little more than an atkins bar!
  • jkrug81
    jkrug81 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm no expert what so ever but i'm thinking you need to change your workout routine and shock the body maybe? Sounds like you're stuck on the same routine and your body knows it. I hate getting stuck... especially when you do so good and workout so hard. Good luck and i hope you see progress again soon!
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    If people don't know the answer then fair enough, every thread you get are you counting properly, the girl has been doing this for a while why would she suddenly start messing up her calorie count? this along with eat a bigger breakfast or up your calories is nonsense
  • MichelleNicole93
    MichelleNicole93 Posts: 89 Member
    @jrug81 when you say shock the body what do you mean?
    I just switched from going from one body part to another to this other workout doing upper body lower body... I feel more tightened but i use to do the eliptical and JUST started running Im not sure what else I can do to switch it up ):
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    @jrug81 when you say shock the body what do you mean?
    I just switched from going from one body part to another to this other workout doing upper body lower body... I feel more tightened but i use to do the eliptical and JUST started running Im not sure what else I can do to switch it up ):

    They are just guessing i'm afraid and they are bad guesses in the main, the mistake you made and i did it was not measuring yourself at the beginning of your weight loss, measure yourself asap continue what you are doing with regards calorie intake and see if your measurements are going up/down, i believe you can gain muscle without a surplus by the way, as i have done it, on a large calorie deficit unlikely

    It could be a combination of more muscle, your daily calories needed have reduced, some water retention
  • gmelody66
    gmelody66 Posts: 19
    shock like change up ur cardio maybe try hiking biking dancing jump roping.. or when weight training try alil crossfit style by throwing in high knees between each move some to raise ur heart beat and kick in fat burning
  • eatonize
    eatonize Posts: 6 Member
    I had a weight loss stall for about three to four months last year. I had been slowly and successfully losing for about four months previous to that. I could not for the life of me figure out what I was doing wrong, I was following the directions of all the literature on nutrition and exercise that I could find, I tried changing workout routines, I bought a bodymedia device that said I was burning over 3000 calories a day (I was on a diet of 1500 per day) so naturally I thought I was not eating enough so I ate to maintenance for a few weeks but that just put on weight. I did even more cardio and a little less lifting for a few weeks, I stopped eating my weekly cheat meal. I was at an absolute loss. In the end I got through it with carb cycling and a huge calorie deficit. The thing is I was terrified of losing any gains I had made in the gym but despite my now huge deficit my lifts never went down, I never seemed to lack energy for workouts either.
    For three days I would eat four meals of 100g chicken breast and 200g Mixed Vegetables and one desert of cottage cheese, low fat yoghurt, casein and almond butter. This was a total of about 1200 calories.
    Every fourth day I would eat four meals of 100g chicken, 100g brown rice, 100g mixed veges and the same desert as the other days. This was a total of 1500 calories.
    I know it sounds boring but I figured that the less variables there are the better the data would be in the end.
    I ignored my bodymedia device and MFP exercise additions. No snacking, no cheat days or cheat meals, I was a freaking food Nazi. But it worked. Gradually it came off. I followed that for 6 weeks and lost about 3 kg. I've heard it's not so good to do it for too long so I went back to maintenance for 3 weeks then did it again. And again it worked till I lost another 2 kg.
    Anyway that's what worked for me.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    So really, you have not lost any weight since August of 2013 even though you've been eating less than 1400 cals. a day. Yet between May 2013 and Aug 2013 you lost 30 pounds eating 1400 cals a day.

    You have a full year's worth of food diarys (I looked). I would print some out from different time periods and go visit your doctor. If your diarys are accurate (and I have no reason not to believe you) I think something is seriously wrong, especially since you are active both in your daily life (restaurant work) and exercise. Your body should be burning 2000 cals a day, giving you a 700 cal deficit which absolutely should result in a weight loss.

    I don't think I could have waited 8 months like you did before asking for help. I get frustrated not seeing a weight loss for 2 weeks! But just when I'm sure "its not working" I lose.

    I don't know if you want to spend the $$, but I suggest a Fitbit. I've had mine for about a week and 1/2 and I find it fascinating to see just how many cals I burn each day, as well as the difference on days when I "rest". There is no doubt in my mind why I weighed what I did. I am much more active now than I was when I first began using MFP yet on my non exercise days I'm only walking 5,000 - 6,000 steps. I've calculated my stride length and have determined that in order to "earn" the 2,200 calories needed to justify a "lightly active" calorie burn, I must walk 15,000 steps to reach the 5 miles that burn that many calories.
    There is no way on earth I ever did that before.

    If you learn that you are in fact burning 2,000 calories a day (like the TDEE should be for your height, weight and age) and know you are eating 700 less, there is something wrong with the machinery and your doctor needs to do some investigating.
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    shock like change up ur cardio maybe try hiking biking dancing jump roping.. or when weight training try alil crossfit style by throwing in high knees between each move some to raise ur heart beat and kick in fat burning

    Really so your body needs so many calories a day but all of a sudden it says right sunshine i will not reduce the fat in your body if you keep running, unless you take up line dancing or something else i will defy the law of physics

    you can run a marathon and eat only a leaf of lettuce but unless you tap dance i refuse to lose weight