Meghancwis Member


  • HI EVERYONE, Since January 2011, I have lost 140 pounds but finally have seem to hit a plateau with my weight-loss. I am literally at the last twenty pounds or so of my FAT LOSS. The remaining fat is my stubborn belly fat and fat on my triceps and inner thighs. I burn at least 2, 000 extra calories 4 times a week and maybe…
  • Anywho, I figured out how many carbohydrates I should be eating a day. Feel free not to reply to this post anymore. Thanks and good luck on all your weight-loss journeys. :)
  • You think so? Well, most days I just can't get enough in because I am pretty busy. Some days I can't get to the grocery store and eat something quick. Think what you want, I suppose.
  • Obsessive compulsive.
  • What is a Macro? Something new I haven't heard of. Que me in, please! I noticed I lose more weight by eating less carbohydrates and I try to limit myself to about 60 a day. Some days I go over and eat maybe 80 but I am really trying to figure out what is right for my activity level, how much I am able to eat through out…
  • On the other three days, I eat about 1, 500 calories. This is not an everyday thing. I have lost 36 pounds so far in about 8 weeks so I am not to worried about the weight coming off or staying off. I am just curious about what is a good recommended amount of carbohydates a day for a very active woman? If you can't seem to…
  • I seriously used to live off of lunchables, hot pockets and party cake ice-cream.