asdandme Member


  • YIPPEE!!!! Just finished day 6 lv.1....the best part even being sick this morning I did the whole thing without modifies!!!! well except the pushups on Dr.s orders but there I was able to do both sets for the 1st time ! I feel on top of the world!!!!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • I saw posted elsewhere to take a box of brownie mix and 1 can pumpkin(not pie mix) mix and bake . They are suppose to be delicious and chocately but low cal. Been wanting to try it. good luck:smile:
  • thanks:smile: already feeling better so I am going to do the shred! want those inches to continue to shrink!!!!!:happy:
  • Wanted to say thanks! Today was so dreary,rainy and busy I had no motivation to do the shred :frown: but came here and read some posts and instant motivation!!!!:bigsmile: so day 5 lv.1 done ....was alot easier today....anyone else get more energized as you go ? I always seem to have more energy at the end then the…
  • Yay! Day 4 lv1 done!!!!! Woke up not in pain:happy: abs are totally sore now :bigsmile: JM didn't lie it is getting easier...well except for those stupid pushups!:grumble: Great job everyone :smile: can't wait for tomoorow! oh and a nsv: got my first pr of sexy undies since my 20's(now almost 40) SO beware:devil: :bigsmile:
  • My upper thighs are killing me when I have to walk up and down stairs otherwise surprisingly feeling good:smile:
  • Checking in : Day 3 done !!!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile: Boy was I sore this morning:grumble: but took some IBs and continued on. endurence already getting better , I can curse her out now !:laugh: Dr. said not to do full pushups , both shoulders have been dislocated , one recently and I have frozen shoulder :cry: on the bright…
  • Awesome! I just started 30DS ,understand your fear:happy:
  • So AWESOME!!!!!:bigsmile: Congrats!
  • love:love: awww
  • no I do not ..if I sweated them off they stay off!!! I eat around 1200 but never less.
  • day 2 done....was easier today but pushups killer:angry: I will beat them!!!!!
  • I use 3lbs all I have ...not too bad except for the side lunges!
  • Hello everyone:happy: Did day 2 today was not as bad as day 1...pushups are evil:angry: I will do a real pushup !!!!! OK so here goes measurements...chest-43 waist-38 hips-51:grumble: rt thigh-23 lft thigh-24 upper arms-14 Oh and I am 5'10 and 225lbs:blushing: hoping to get to 175lbs
  • awesome! you give me hope:flowerforyou:
  • me too ! we should be proud :smile: I drank 4 glasses of water after....tomorrow I will remember to turn on the fan before starting!!
  • I agree was mad I was too out of breath to curse her out:laugh:
  • I did day 1 today too! It felt good but all those jumping jacks and rope are murder on the girls!!!:laugh: Did you have to motify anything? me= push ups:grumble:
  • Don't get overwelmed....its all about baby have a 5 month old so some days you will be tired, so on those days make it your goal to drink all your water and healthier choices,like fat free sugar free chocolate pudding cup instead of a candy bar ect. you could do strength training using your baby as a weight…
  • Damn you built like a brick ****house! really!? and my personal favorite....girl you're so pretty you'd make a gay dog turn around and hump your leg....what does that even mean?????????????
  • Its all about baby steps:smile: You just started it'll take a few days to get the hang of things so just try again tomorrow:happy: Oh did you log you excersize ??? that could give you extra cals. keep it up you'll do great!!!!
  • Don't be discourage you are doing great!:smile: Before I started mfp I had lost 20 lbs and couldn't tell :grumble: but since then I've lost another 12lbs and WOW! what a difference:bigsmile: I lost inches finally and went down 3 sizes!!! So just kept doing what you are doing and you'll soon see the results and it will be…
  • Don't lose heart you are doing great!!! I lost 20lbs before starting mfp and you couldnt 't tell:grumble: but I've lost another 12lbs and wow:bigsmile: can you tell !!!!! I dropped 3 sizes!!!!!:bigsmile: so keep it up you'll soon see results! add me as a friend if you want:smile:
  • awesome!!!! I just got into 18 bottoms and 14/16 tops and I was thrilled and seen those sizes in years!!! can't wait for 14s :love: :laugh: :happy:
  • Hi ! I just started here and I thought they were crazy when it said I had to eat more to lose weight. I was like you and ate very little and never felt hungry. but I took a leap of faith and tried ,and let me tell you it wasn't easy eating all my calories but I did and guess what!?!?! I lost weight !!!!! 8 lbs in 4 weeks…
  • Good lord thats my mom!!!! Had no idea it had a name. I came to the realization a long time ago that nothing I did would make her love me. I am ok with that and no longer hate her, I feel sorry for her, but do not want her in my life. I am in a great place right now and am getting remarried....she will not be on the guest…
  • Hi! I'm 5'10,39 yrs old cw 233....1st gw 200....2nd gw 175. you can add me:smile:
  • My bf always brings home my favorite donuts,everytime I start to lose weight.This time I was able to ignore them thanks to using the food dairy.
  • I completely understand.!!!!!! Lots of post asking why you don't reduce stress and get sleep....but as a sahm of 2 special needs children I know that is not always possible. I have to go on 3 hrs sleep for weeks to keep my sons safe and healthy.My dr. is always telling me I need to destress. How I ask ...he never has any…