Fascinating article. Thanks for sharing!
I am a naughty naughty dieter and make time for Dominos far too often :-) this document reminds me exactly how many calories of naughty I am being!!!
I'm from North London. Feel free to add me too!
Hello fellow pocket-sized MPF-er. I too am only 5ft!. I have lost 8lbs so far, and although I have not finished my journey yet, I feel like I have made a big step! I have not taken to 'healthy' eating particularly well! I eat all sorts of stuff I probably still shouldn't - it took me 5 minutes to devour a packet of fruit…
London, England. Hello!
Try this youtube video: Good luck! I hope your ankle feels better soon.
Oh, and you have lost an awesome amount of weight! Congratulations!
You seem like a sweet guy, but these things take time. It is not something that happens overnight. I would just say keep putting yourself out there, but just relax a bit. Can you ask your mum to lay off a bit? I'm sure she has the best of intentions, but maybe she doesn't understand the stress you are feeling as a result…
That's a really useful channel to know about, thanks!
I always swim on Mondays. I find it quite calming! (Apart from this evening when I reached the pool only to find it closed!)
Good luck with your ED. It takes guts to tackle these things head on, and I hope that using this site, and the support it brings will really help you in your fight.
I spend at least one day a weekend hanging out with my boyfriend, and I have gotten so used to eating junk on those days that I'm finding it really difficult to break the association of boyfriend = sweets.
Having to flying in an aeroplane and job interviews.
I am currently a recruitment consultant, but starting next month I am going to be a management consultant instead. Scary stuff!
I love the replies here, and agree with so many of them! It isn't a fad at all, it's making sustainable changes. My challenge was mainly to cut out all the rubbish snacks I was eating. The first week was really tough, as I was consuming so much sugar before, I felt my body was craving it. But now it's easy to avoid the…
Sounds like you have lots of temptations coming your way!!! As long as you can keep up all the good work you are planning you will do great! And having such a great goal to work towards will help loads. Really good luck, wishing you all the best!!!
I find my mid-afternoon banana is a real help to me!
Welcome! I hope you reach your goal!! And congratulations on your up-and-coming wedding!
Wow, you look AWESOME!! Fantastic inspiration!
Good luck Shell! I hope it works out for you :)
Hello! Welcome from the UK too! Hope you can find all the help you need here :-)
Wow, that's a major change! Congratulations!
:-D :-D :-D
Best of luck!! I hope it all goes smoothly for you!
I never was a thin child. I lost a lot of weight at uni (didn't like flatmates, so stayed out of the communal kitchen!), but have since put it back on due to being in a relationship, and boredom eating!! Mind you, 100g of white chocolate every afternoon would put weight on anyone I think! Plan of action is to stay away…
Wow, I had never heard of Ghrelin, really fascinating! So Leptin is our friend?
I think i would probably wear the pedometer, and put the paces in later. I imagine that seeing how many steps you've taken will also give you a boost!