craiglannigan Member


  • Good morning all .... thank you all for the advice and some of your funny stories. Started the day and avoided the scales ... Let's go!!!
  • I've seen this ... a hard work out or a days grafting always sees me down a few pounds, but it seems to go on again quickly in the next few days but thankfully i'm still progressing downwards. I need to keep an eye on my carbs etc then?
  • Darn!!! The only friends I've got would be taking me for a beer at the end of every jog or gym session .... I need new friends!!! ;0)
  • Thanks W0lfstar ... this sodium/salt issue is enlightening for me ... it all helps to come to terms with the fluctuations which is probably what I need the most to ditch the daily scales.
  • What if you're rubbish with ms excel???? This could be disasterous!!!
  • @sz8soon .... lol not sure if i'm into that ... i'll give it a go and if its not for me i'll be messaging you with an invoice for bandages .... I also love the ways you lot have come up with to get rid of the scales .... the solar powered ones, that sounds like the excuse I need lololol
  • @tjk71 .. i know what you mean ... I guess the addiction is about monitoring the changes so you can keep motivated but I accept there will always be that fluctuation to deal with. The problem with any weight changes in the morning is the temptation to jog the 17 miles into work if a rogue pound or two has found its way…
  • I'm loving that you all know what I'm talking about. Any fluctuations in the morning I just go into denial mode, eat less that day and exercise more and delay putting my weight in for a couple of days he he. About to turn 40 in a couple of months and am finding it hard not to give the kids horrible chores everytime they…