

  • I love veggies, but looking back I know my mom encouraged "sneaking" veggies as snacks and also was a fantastic cook and fed us beautifully steamed, never boiled or overcooked veggies. My children (now 14 months and 3 1/2 years) love, love their vegetables, including even things that I was reluctant about as a child (like…
  • Good job!!! To reiterate what everyone else has said, that's the best and most sustainable way to do it. 10-20 lb a month weight loss is usually due to 1) dehydration 2) cancer (or something else really nasty) or 3) unsustainable starvation which will lead eventually to rapid and dramatic weight gain. None of which you…
  • Boo yeah! I actually get in shape faster when I cheat a little because it motivates me to work out harder! Chocolate is an amazing motivator. :happy:
  • When I started working out at one gym, the girl asked me what I wanted to focus on - my thighs, my butt, my tummy etc. (Apparently she thought they were a problem????) I told her I just wanted to be strong because no matter how hard I tried to be "pretty" there would always be someone who didn't think I was, but if I was…
  • I usually work out mornings while the wee ones are sleeping. I usually do a few minutes of housework first just to warm things up before launching in to the workout. By planning early, if I miss it, I still have the possibility of an evening workout. I hear afternoons are best but my hours are too long and there are no…
  • I have fairly significant patello-femoral syndrome (similar to many posts above) that would really flare post-call, downhill skiing, after running etc. Pilates and balance ball work did wonders for my knees as well as the inflammatory arthritis in my back, and I also limited or cut out the activities that exacerbated the…
  • I agree that the BMI is limited - but it is a general guideline for patients looking to find out what is appropriate - particularly to confirm that a BMI of 13 or 14 (think your average model) is really really UNHEALTHY, or to see if you are dramatically above the recommended range. I think it would be better to say you…
  • I have a baby so people tend to think it's him (although I never outright SAY it's him). Once my children are grown up I'll have to start standing closer to older people who a) can't smell it and b) are very likely doing the same thing so will get the credit. :-P
  • No such thing. The human body is remarkably complex and requires a balanced diet containing many vitamins, minerals and trace elements as well as appropriate amounts of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Superfood is a term coined by exploitative marketers to ensnare a vulnerable populace. That being said, some foods are…