

  • Finished day 8 of level 1 today. I'm looking forward to seeing some definition in my arms. Definitely feeling stronger though. :-)
  • I bought level one for $1.99 from Amazon. I watch it on my Roku. I figured if it wasn't for me then I was only out $1.99 instead of buying the whole thing. :smile:
  • Day 5 of level 1 done. I've had to alter the cardio a bit to lessen up the stress on my knees. Outside of that, I'm gradually improving. I may have to supplement the cardio by using the elliptical but as long as I get the toning, I'm happy. :smile:
  • Did day 4 today of level 1 [took yesterday off due to a root canal]. Push ups are getting better. Knees seem to be taking a beating. Might have to put on some knee braces for support during the cardio portions. On to day 5!
  • Just finished day 3 of level one. Fully body pain has gotten better. Today it was just my arms that were killing me. I feel like some of the exercises are started to get just a hair easier and that's all the motivation I need. It's only day three so I'm not expecting miracles yet. I'm eager to see how I feel in another…
  • I think I know what you're talking about. It was to take your current weight times 3.267. That's how many calories you burn in one hour using this video. For a 20 minute workout, you'd divide that 1 hour calories burned number by 3 to get 20 minutes worth of calories burned. Hope that helps! :-)
  • My day one was yesterday and let me just say I could BARELY get out of bed this morning I was so sore. :sick: I was sore all day and wasn't sure I could even think about doing it today, but.... I DID! It was hard but I'm actually not sore at all right now. Glad I didn't quit and very curious to see what tomorrow morning is…
  • Just started today. Totally kicked my butt! One thing I like about it is that they are all moves I can do [I'm not coordinated enough for a lot of the aerobic videos out there :laugh: ]. Wanted to do a big hike tonight, but I'm having a hard time even climbing the stairs! My legs are like jello. Wish me luck!
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