psychobabble78 Member


  • Excellent post...
  • This is about being healthy - in a primal way - its not about binge eating or any other kind of disorder - you do eat healthILY during the 8 hours feeding time, but also then give your body time to recover, process, digest and assimilate the foods you have consumed. Perhaps a little research may go a long way:
  • Strated a 16/8 on Sunday/Monday - been super hungry today, but have now used all my calories etc at 1.30pm so it's gonna be more like a 20/4 today for me :( How have others done it - made sure that you evenly space out your intake throughout the 8 hours?
  • I do think you need to look at WHAT you are eating, especially if you are trying to: a. reduce calories b. increase calories c. increase activity d. a combination of the above. remember: 1g of protein or carbs = 4 cals while 1g of fat=9 cals your body requires carbs to fuel itself, if you get too many carbs for the fuel it…