Kim_S_G Member


  • Where have you been tracking your calories? I looked at your food diary. You have no entries for June and the first part of July. Seems like you have only been entering food into your diary for about a week - and not consistently. A couple of things I noticed about your diary:* You are not entering any drinks. What are you…
  • 1. First cup of coffee 2. Second cup of coffee 3. Third cup of coffee 4. MFP 5. Good pair of walking shoes
  • I am a little confused by this statement. Are you logging everything you eat into MFP?
  • Are you using a food scale to measure what you are eating?
  • What have you been doing? Do you use a food scale to weigh everything you eat?
  • I like this quote: Don't give up what you want most, for what you want now.
  • I love these. Very comfortable and good arch support.
  • I am not sure what you mean by "cheat meals". Are there some meals that put me over my calorie goal for the day? Yes. Tomorrow will be one - I am planning on going out to eat with my husband at an all you can eat catfish buffet. But I have planned for that and banked some calories from earlier in the week, so I will still…
    in Cheat days. Comment by Kim_S_G July 2018
  • As long as you meet your calorie goal, you will lose weight. I never pay attention to how much sugar I get. According to Google (don't take this as gospel), 6 cans of Coke are about 840 calories. That is a lot of calories for drinks, in my opinion. Maybe you can cut back on that a little at a time and find other places in…
  • I pretty much eat whatever I want to, staying within my calorie limit. I do not pay attention to carbs, but do try to watch my protein because I know that helps in reducing muscle loss. My other food choices are based on my personal health concerns (hypothyroidism for one) and what tastes good (ice cream).
  • Good info here.
  • I think that once you start logging all of your food, you will naturally reduce the mindless eating that is easy to do at your desk at work. For me, I found small changes to be more sustainable. My weight loss rate is 1 pound per week. I started walking about 15 or 20 minutes a day and slowly increased. Do what works for…
  • My favorite tips are included here.
  • Please don't let me discourage you from posting here. That was not my intention. I am pretty new to posting here as well. At the moment I have a couple of my posts on other threads that have been ill-received and thus do not feel particularity welcomed, so I would hate to be the source of that for someone else.
  • There are many people who read/post on these boards who are here to learn and do not realize that a caloric deficit is essential to weight loss.
  • But that is the most important part and should be said. Otherwise, some people may read your post and think that calorie counting is irrelevant since nothing in your original post said anything about counting calories.
  • I am not sure what your goals are (weight loss, build muscle, run a marathon etc), but I am going to assume you want to lose weight. First, exercise is not necessary for weight loss, but it is beneficial. I think you need to find exercise and a diet that is sustainable for you. IMO, if you stop going to the gym, it is…
  • It's a joke. IMO, some of ya'll are taking this way too seriously.
  • My sister has POTS, which sounds similar to what you are describing. I hope you are able to find out what is wrong and get it corrected.
  • You do not need to exercise to lose weight. You simply need to eat in caloric deficit. Having said that, you might try swimming or riding a bike.
  • How did you obtain the goal of 1500 calories per day? Did you get that from MFP?
    in Picky eater Comment by Kim_S_G July 2018
  • You can't turn fat into muscle. I assume you want to lose fat and build muscle. Someone with more expertise than me needs to address that.
    in Picky eater Comment by Kim_S_G July 2018
  • I read your posts again, but still may have missed this.... What is your goal? To lose weight, maintain weight, build muscle, compete in marathon, etc?
    in Picky eater Comment by Kim_S_G July 2018
  • If you don't mind me asking, do you have a medical condition that requires you to limit your sugar intake?
    in Picky eater Comment by Kim_S_G July 2018
  • Even though you don't like eggs, you might like a quiche. I made the following a couple of days ago and I like it. I did substitute a cheaper cheese. I get most of my protein from eggs, canned tuna, cheese, yogurt, protein bars, ground turkey, steak, and chicken.
    in Picky eater Comment by Kim_S_G July 2018
  • I was surprised by how many calories I consume by adding milk to my morning coffee (3+ cups of coffee every day). I tried replacing it with almond milk and soy milk, but did not like the taste. However, I was able to switch the sugar I add to my coffee to artificial sweetener. I was also surprised how few calories are in…
  • I second this.
  • I use the formula found in this article: Formula is from this research: I use MapMyHike to measure distance and time walked. The above formula is for walking on flat ground. If I am not…
    in Calories Comment by Kim_S_G July 2018