

  • You got this!! The first step in anything is just the fact the you are willing to admitt you need to make that change. Baby steps like the poster above said.I never thought i could do this, but hey 15 months later I'm down almost 170 lbs. And now if i miss a day at the gym, its like when i would miss that last bowl of…
  • i have one every morning for breakfast. no time in the am to cook since im out the door at the butt crack of frack. I really enjoy them to be honest
  • I've lost 169 lbs without one. Never have i used one, never will i get one. If you follow a good diet plan, workout regularly,then I say , just save your money. But like the other guy said, whatever floats your boat,
  • If you're not hungry , then you're not hungry. I understand the whole starvation mode thing, but i don't feel you should have to force yourself to eat. Your body knows when its full, and it know when it needs food. So imo I dont think its healthy to eat just because you can.
  • my friend, I was at 318 when i started riding just about a year and a few months ago. Started off real slow and shot distances. When i was able to go 5 miles i was so happy. Today i can do 20 miles in about 1 hour 20 minutes. Down to 148 lbs. The bike i started out with was nothing special, just a wal mart one. I didnt…
  • i lost over 165lbs doing this so called "fad" thing 2 shakes a day, small snacks in between. It worked for me, Maybe its not for everyone, but I have been able to maintain, and eat regular food when im not in the mood for a shake. To each their own I say,
  • my best advise is wake up tomorrow and start again knowing that each day is a new day. Drink pelnty of water and maybe get in some extra exercise, We've all gone to parties, and we've all had the regrets. Its always best just to know you enjoyed yourself today, and can start fresh tomorrow. GL
  • also, while an exercise bike may not burn as any calories as an eliptical,. the workout you get should be more intence. Meaning , and i may be wrong here, you work out more muscle and targeted areas. I know when i do it , i seem to work my core,and lower back more than running, or the eliptical. But more over, i agree with…
  • normaly what i like to do if im going to a party or bbq like that is work out twice. Once in the am and once before we go out. The extra calories burned usually works for me. Then i use a rough estimate on the food and add 400 to it. Kind of keeps me honest, unless i have a few brews, then i tend to go way over and say…
  • anything covered by me first and the gimmie gimmies..great covers put to punk....
  • this happens to me all the time, id like some info as well.
  • I know how you feel. I call it my crack snack...So good, especially the one you buy at costo. I was surprised as well as to the calorie content,so ill repackage it into smaller sandwich bags, like 1/4 cup, and stick to that. Hard to limit it to that because its soooo good. But at least this way i can have a taste for a few…
  • wait till you see what happens with salt in the wound)
  • just wit untill you find out who Jon really is..lolThats all i'm saying.
  • Jon alway has been my favorite character. He's so loyal to everyone, even when people aren't so loyal to him. you'll see how it unfolds in season four. Great twists.
  • lol.. i won't say what happens, but, the stark family was doomed from the get go. good things jon for though, and i'm glad. he was treated so badly by catlyn. Jeoff will get his. The thing with George Martin is don't et attatched to any one.. you'll be
  • was a WOW addict for years, slowley weened off. Figured i have a perfectly good 360 collecting dust with games hardly palyed id put away the monthly charge and play some skyrim. or boishock..
  • my cheat meal usually cosisits of cheese fries, chili cheese burger, and a few beers. maybe some apple to finish the deal. Do i feel guilty about it?. Usually. For a few hours till i go to sleep. When i wake up the next day, its a new start.You need it once in a while, like one of the posters above said, your body craves…
  • I've been a pf member for about a year. It all comes down to what ou want from a gym. If you want the classes, then id say no to pf. If you want good cardio workouts and light weight training, then i'd say yes. As far as pizza parties and bagels and all that, just dont eat it. Its not like they force it down your mouth, or…
  • she is fine, and i meant no disrespect. Thank you very much for the tips on getting information on this site without having to ask it ou right. You seem to know your way around here pretty well. So agin i say thank you and move on from there..thank you to everyone else who replied as well..not here to start a war, just…
  • naw, im not looking for attention, i have plenty of friends, just being as social and looking for insight on web sight designed for just that. Thank you all for ypur input
  • adini, you seem to be in an argumentive mood. Whats wrong? You need a hug?
  • thanks for that information. i new about the search tab, i was just wanting peoples opinions. more social that way. plus i get to make new friends.
  • I understand what you all are saying about eating too little. But if your are not hungry , you're not hungy. No point in forcing yourself to eat.
  • i eat them everyday. I absolutely love watermelon, and cantelope.
  • i look at old pictures from the past, when i promised myself to never get that way again. Thaat usually does it for me.
  • I gave up drinking right aroung Christmas time. I was never a heavy drinker, but when i did, i would really go for it. Kinda like i was (am) with eating. Most people know when to stop, i tend to say what the hell. So i figured i've worked so hard at changing myself, dont want to waste my efforts on alcohol. Now when i go…