AnneofAlaska Member


  • There is a couple of books that I have used for that item: Cook this not that and Weight Watchers... They both have Mac and Cheese recipes that are low in calories and whatnot.
  • I agree, sometimes it doesn't say you are going with it. It doesn't seem to measure my calories right... I worked out for 45 minutes on it and it said I only burned 60 calories. I am not completely out of shape and got good scores on everything, so I don't know what is going on with mine in that aspect. What ones did you…
  • I started the Your Shape 2012 this week and I love it. I feel it under counts my calories, but other than that it is great. It has so many different things for you to do and is so much better than a video. This machine scans you, so you see yourself, not a cartoon and then watches your moves. Though sometimes it doesn't…
  • I agree... i have to give myself a cheat day of food or I will go completely off the diet... My weakness is chocolate and beer. I love them both and cutting back on drinking was the hardest part for me. But I do find I sleep better now and it isn't as hard to get up... So that keeps me motivated.
  • Totally agree. I did the adventures and did the one where you have to jump over items and then duck. When you do that over and over again, my legs started to burn. I really work on the kinect when I can't make it to the gym. It gives me something fun to do with the kids and yet still work out. Much better than work out…