jsprangel Member


  • Well, I did day 3 of Level 2 this morning. It kicks my butt and I think I like it! It took a lot to get me motivated to do it this morning, becuase it really pushes me, but I can actually do the exercises. That feels good! Yes, it's difficult, and I won't lie, I had to take a breather twice. Once during the…
  • Well, I did day 3 of Level 2 this morning. It kicks my butt and I think I like it! It took a lot to get me motivated to do it this morning, becuase it really pushes me, but I can actually do the exercises. That feels good! Yes, it's difficult, and I won't lie, I had to take a breather twice. Once during the…
  • Thanks for the encouragement everyone! I really needed it. That's what is great about MFP and the community groups. I need the accountability, but the support is a major pick-me-up. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and motivating me to not give up. I didn't plan on giving up, but I also know that thoughts of discouragment…
  • I made it through Day 8 of Level One!! I'm feeling fat even though I'm pushing hard the 20 minute workout exercise and calorie tracking. How often do you all weigh yourself? I weighed myself after day three and I had lost 3 pounds and now on Day 8 I am still at 3 pounds - it frustrated me. My belly looks like it has grown…
  • I did day 8 of Level One this morning and I haven't taken a day of rest. But, I truly think you have to listen to your own body and make decisions based on what you can truly manage. I've pushed too hard in the past and either injured myslef or gotten run down and sick. They both set me back WAY further than what a day or…
  • I've made it through day 7 of level one! So glad to still be doing this. I'm sticking with my calorie goals and being much more conscious of recording what I eat to try and really make a difference this season. So many people think I should wait til after the Holidays to begin, but I need to do something now. I can't wait.…
  • I did it!! This was day 7 of Level one! I'm so excited that I have made it seven days in a row - no excuses so far. It feels good! I'm keeping up with the video - a little nervous about advancing to Level 2. But, I'm doing 7 more days of Level 1, so I won't worry about Level 2 until I get there. I'm planning to do 14 days…
  • Day three of level one - not easy, but I did it and I did not stop or give up one second. My bed was so warm and I slept so soundly. I even fell back into a full deep sleep for my 10 minute snooze button - that's not like me. So, if nothing eles, this workout is helping me to sleep well:)) My eating habits are getting…
  • Here goes! I'm 5'3" and 42 yrs. old and started the program on Tuesday 11.27.12 at 167lbs. Need to be at 130. Hope this 30 day (mine will probably be a 42 day shred - I plan on doing each phase for 14 days instead of 10). I have finally taken all my measurements: Chest: 41" Belly: 41" Waist: 38" Hips: 44" Thigh: 24" Arm:…
  • So glad you shared how you are doing on day 8/ and that you are moving through level one smoothly. It's really encouraging since I have only made it through day 2 of level one. I'm hurting/sore and I'm concerned that day 3 will be tough to survive. I'll do my best to remember that it will get easier once my…
  • Took my measurements last night - if that doesn't motivate me, I don't know what will!! I'm 42, 5'3" and considered obese according to a Dr.'s chart...so off I go to make a change:) Upper Arm: 14" Chest: 41" Waist: 38" (No wonder I wear elastic waist pants most of the time!!) Hips: 44" I'll have to do my belly, calf and…
  • I made it through Day 2!!! I can't lie, it wasn't easy this morning. Yesterday, I had major pain on the bottom of my feet from the jumping jacks and jump rope. I jog on a treadmill, but that is a smoother motion. No intense up and down bouncing. I had to walk 3 times yesterday to work out the pain. Today, I took out the…
  • I made it through day 2 of SHREDDING! I'm not going to lie, it was tough this morning. Yesterday morning I had to stop and walk two times because the bottoms of my feet hurts so bad while doing the jumping jacks and jump rope. I'm not used to that pounding on my feet. I jog on a treadmill, but the activity is smoother…
  • Hi everyone. My name is Jenna & I'm in serious need of motivation. This is the first group I've joined on MFP. I started tracking in July 2012, and love it, but then I "fell off" the MFP tracker as things became stressful at work and with kids starting soccer in September as everything else in life seemed to takeover. I…