

  • Hi! I am a SAHM to Samantha, 3 1/2 months. She's our little "surprise" as all 4 of our others are in school. I still need to lose about 7 pounds to get back to pre-baby, but all together want to lose 20-25. I want to feel and look better! I had a great workout this morning. Walk/jogged for 30 minutes, then rode my bike to…
  • OK, I am SO not a runner, but this sounds like something I might be able to do. My daughter runs cross-country in High School, and I'd like to be able to at least TRY to keep up with her! I had a baby in May, and still need to lose 7 pounds to be back to pre-baby, but really need to lose about 20-25. That's my goal. So…