

  • I actually found it hard to eat the 1200 for a few days...when i eat whatever n not healthy stuff i can rack up 600 at wendy's in a sandwich. but when i started eating good for me foods and measuring/weighing foods I was driving myself crazy. I found I can eat quite a lot of food with 1200 calories, i can make a large…
  • I look at it this way, you wanna check this out while i'm walking/trying to jog go ahead! half of them are thinking "i wish i could do that" anyway, or they just think you look hot running! i know b4 i exercized i'd see some girl running and no matter what they looked like i though "damm i should be doing that too" When i…
  • i've never heard that lol...but know that i read the replies i get it. I had a friend who was like 1 size 8 but never worked out, i was a 12 and i always thought i looked thinner than her even thou she wore a smaller size, i think it makes sense she wasn't toned.
  • I do 3-11 and some 11-7...its def hard!!! add me, i'm always looking for someone to help me stay on track, and vice versa