anbrim Member


  • My advice would be the throw out your scale especially if you are working out that much! Instead, break out the measuring tape! You'll also want to make sure you are getting the appropriate amount of protein since you are probably gaining muscle with your work outs! Suck that water down as well! Good luck!
    in Discouraged:( Comment by anbrim May 2013
  • It depends how much soda you drink. If you are drinking caffeine below a certain threshold, it does not affect hydration however if you drink a large amount of it, the caffeine can act as a diuretic and work against hydration by causing you to lose fluid.
  • If you are also wanting to experiment with your IP packets, this woman has put together a little cookbook online that has instructions and pictures! I love it! So far I've tried making bread/muffins using the IP Potato Puree and the IP Pancakes! The pancakes worked the best! Rainbow's Recipes:…
  • Hey there! I've been on IP for 4 weeks now and am down 13 lbs and 9.75 inches. Over Mother's Day weekend (also my birthday weekend) I cheated. This set me back almost 4 days and I didn't lose any body fat the last 2 weeks! NEVER CHEATING AGAIN! Sooooo not worth it. I finally saw the scale move 4 days ago and I dropped 3.4…
    in Ideal protein Comment by anbrim May 2013
  • Wow! You look great! Keep up the good work!