orlaith2012 Member


  • no matter what OTHER people think- you cannot control that ever. what you do is your business. who cares what others think. do what is best for you!!! :) kisses
  • ok so maintaining now on roughly say 1750... will perturbation be restored once I gain LBM? Thank you for your extensive reply. I have had several checks and ECG's are all perfect, blood work etc although I do have low oestrogen (PCOS) PROB due to history of anorexia. I recently went and had a body composition analysis…
  • ok, I have a question... recovering from mild undereating and sllllowly lost a few kg, like the minimum I would eat on a sedentary day being 1400 and a busy day 1600 ish and very very slowly lost weight and now maintain it with a LBF of 11% on 17-1800.. recently bumped it up to 1800 and gained 1.5KG quite quick, in like a…
  • I really want to stop counting, my bmi is a little low (18) so I am not bothered too much about a little gain (ED Sufferer here too) but I just need a mental break before I have a mental break down!! How did you do it? all advice appreciated and yes I have a psychiatrist (weekly appointments :)