girlsonly04 Member


  • I would like to join with you
  • As of today 55 miles accomplished. Having beautiful weather love getting the walks in. :wink: :wink:
  • Had an awesome day for a Friday. Did just over 10 miles. Even took a paper route to get that mileage in. Have a fellow walkers/runners. Just 100 miles to go. I. Am off.
  • Hello I am also new to thi s site. I love to walk I religiously wear my pedometer to make sure I get my 5 miles in I find the walking very addicting. I do though am grateful for the extra help. For September I have so far walked 30 miles as of date. My goal is to walk 140 miles for Sept.
  • I always weigh in the morning before I eat and I make sure it is the same time every day.
  • I dont work nights but I have crazy hours. I am a dayhome provider and a single mother of two. My hours can run me to working 12-14 hours a day there are months where I can get only 2 days off. I have been at this for 10 years now. It is the only way I could be with my children while they are young and not work away from…
  • My name is Laura and I am from Alberta. I joined for the support that I could not find at home. I am so glad that I had joined because I have met amazing people that have the same problems I have on their weight loss journey. Hope to talk to you soon.:laugh:
  • 2 cp of romaine lettuce 3 strawberries chopped up 1/2 cp blueberries 1/4 cp sliced almonds raspberry viniagrette :love: :drinker:
  • Any diet if you omit foods it will fail. You ARE allowed to eat what you want just keep it to the recommended portion size ( believe me sometimes it is very hard to do) There is that 80/20 rule if you can be true to eating healthy and exercising 80% of the time take that 20% and have a extra piece of cake or that extra…
  • :happy: you are an inspiration thanks for your post