

  • I've never seen her do it before. She's encouraged people, told them to go harder but I've never seen her touch a dial. It was a hot day (I remember she didn't even get on the bike and "coached" verbally all the way through). It was quite late on in the session, I was quite tired. Another instructor always prefaces the…
  • I, at least, apologised for what happened. The instructor didn't and gave me a right dressing down. It wasn't her place. I did as the manager had suggested - said sorry. I didn't receive a sorry or even a thank you for apologising.
  • Unfortunately not. The only spinning bikes are in the spinning suite.
  • I wouldn't be so rude as to full on slap someone I don't really know on the hand. I think I'd only do that in an argument with my brothers when we were kids!
  • That's the main thing that they offer. I think there's some boot camp classes. I might just move gyms, probably easier for all concerned. It's just a shame because whenever I saw her we made conversation and I always raved about how good her classes were.
  • To be honest, I expected the gym to side with the instructor. She works there, I'm just a client/customer. I did try to apologise but I didn't see why she had to have a go. I felt quite intimidated and like she wasn't listening to what I was saying. She's filling in for people all weekend so needless to say, I won't be…
  • What I mean by swatting was that I saw her hand move towards the dial - it was almost on it - so I blocked it with my hand and pushed away slightly to move hers back. I didn't actually hit it. I thought if she'd been that bothered she would have said something directly to me after the class. I did try to apologise to her…