

  • Try switching some of your protein intake from liquids (supplements, smoothies, etc) to solids, such as grilled chicken breast, etc. That usually helps me feel a LOT more satisfied!
  • I agree. I was rather baffled that it had me eating below my BMR, and obviously that isn't sustainble. I eat my exercise calories with zeal and feel downright dirty and sneaky about it, lol! I am using this as a transition phase between piggy me and healthy me. Trying to learn that I don't have to compulsively over-eat,…
  • I'm staying insanely well hydrated, so I don't think it is just water weight. Yes, it is the same scale everytime, and I'm always wearing the same thing (hospital scale and uniform). I've been weighing myself periodically throughout the day, before and after eating, going to the bathroom, etc, and I always record the…
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