Thanks =) how long have you been running for
Thank you! That was very useful advice. Its good to hear I'm not so abnormal with my lack off running capabilities lol.
I did alternate today. But I did 4min run, 2min walk, 2min run, 2min walk. 1/1.5 alternation sounds much kinder lol
Thanks everyone =) I'll check it out
alot of people use coffee as a pre workout
this is something i could see myself doing
I'm a lefty for writing but use scissors in my right hand. Do a fair few other things with my right hand too. Whenever I try something new I have to try it with both hands to see which is gonna work for the task at hand lol
Alyson hannigan
Ive never ran. Infact I've never even really excercised lol. But I want to start running. I seriously lack motivation but hopefully by joining in on this I will find some :)
I've been wanting to be back to my old self for awhile now. But I notices lately I've been taking inspiration from women I see with nice bodies like I used to have. I want to feel that again.
Added you both :)