Mihani Member


  • Hi Nanc, I love doing the Mary's Mini periodically. Seems to really help get good habits back on track quickly. I'm still feeling a bit "off" from being sick. Just not quite back to 100%. Eating light. Had a smoothie this morning and have soup and fruit to take for lunch.
  • Busy day so far. Two loads of laundry and cleaned out the fridge and freezer before 10:00 am. Then got a shower and went to visit some friends for a couple hours. Stopped at the grocery and finally home. Now I need to eat some lunch and get up to my desk to get some work done. Feels good to be able to eat again! I can't…
  • Great work on the budgeting, Nanc! Have fun with spring cleaning. Carla, have you tried any of the nighttime teas? Sometimes those help me sleep. Going to the office tomorrow. Put in long days yesterday and today. I am hoping to get a little catching up done tomorrow. Stopped at the grab and go and got a few things. I am…
  • Carla... oh yeah, I forgot I also had a couple cups of miso tea the first day, when I remembered you mentioned that a while back. Your menu sounds good Nanc. Today was pretty exciting... had a little bit of oats with almond milk yogurt! That and some plain rice and a piece of toast and a banana throughout the day. I am not…
  • Hi all, got back to work and post-party real life Monday, then I got really sick Monday late afternoon and had to come home and basically spent all day yesterday in bed! That really sucked. Got back to work today but was happy to get home, and on time, so I can go back to bed. I hope by tomorrow I'll be completely over…
  • Whew... party is over. It went great and a good time was had by all. It has been a long time since I've hosted a party but I was pretty organized and did a lot ahead of time so I wasn't all stressed out and scrambling yesterday. I think there were 22 people here altogether. I'll be going back to bed for a while, I'm sure.…
  • Thanks for getting things started Nanc! I need to get on laundry and start setting up for the party plus make food although I'm mostly doing easy stuff and others are bringing dishes. Better get busy!
  • Hi all, sorry I've been scarce. Busy busy week at work and trying to finish getting ready for the party on Saturday. I took off early today and did the last of the shopping. Just have to run out tomorrow to pick up a couple things that I ordered but that won't take long. I'm working from home tomorrow and will knock off…
  • Good morning... up and at 'em. Have laundry in the wash and a couple loads to go. Catching up throw rugs, towels, sheets and blankets. I got the rest of the house pretty well straightened up yesterday and will work on my office while the cleaning crew is here. I think I'll get some of the shopping done this afternoon after…
  • Morning, all! Thank you, Nanc! So far I've gone back to bed for a couple hours, and now I've finished coffee and getting ready to start laundry. Thinking about running to the new wholesale club today. I got a free membership and haven't checked it out yet. Having a gathering here next Saturday... first party I've hosted in…
  • Nanc, sorry we were posting at the same time. The sushi bowl sounds much easier! I only make actual sushi for parties because it makes it worth all the effort. Our CPA does my taxes and I've never tried an online service. He just throws mine in for free since we give him so much work and he's a wonderful guy!
  • Bisky, definitely sounds like it might be worth it to stay in San Antonio. And since you travel often it's not like you're stuck there all the time. Maybe you could go somewhere cooler for the hottest months. Carla, the baskets are beautiful. You sure do have a lot of talent. Hope you enjoy your visit with your parents.…
  • Pretty cards, Bisky! That's very cool you are going to be selling them. Another trip to Italy sounds like so much fun. That's one of the few places I'd like to visit. I'm not much of a traveler. I would give anything for a week at home! LOL Nanc, do you have a sushi mat? I make vegan sushi and the mat is a must have for…
  • Nanc, I totally get that. I always have big plans in the morning for what I'll get done when I get home. Then I get home and just want to go to bed! It will be better come spring... it's nearly dark when I get home. Good for you taking steps to keep your health on track! I had a rough day. It has been a rough few weeks…
  • We have recycling pickup weekly here, Carla, and that's my bin every week. Amazon boxes broken down for recycling. LOL I'm going on a 90 day amazon diet on March 1st though. Nothing but my vitamins that are on auto-delivery. I have spent a lot of money lately finishing all the house projects. I'm nearly done... just a few…
  • Glad you got that over with and could enjoy your coffee, Nanc. That's quite a long wait for results. That's interesting measuring inflammation. You've mentioned having problems with that. I left work early yesterday to meet a junk hauler. I had an old fridge and the city won't take those so I lined up a private hauler and…
  • Mornin' Nanc... sounds like you got a whole lot done yesterday! Birthday is a week from today. Going to get a little work done this morning, go for the hair/mani appointment, stop at Fresh Thyme, home to start laundry and get more work done. Plan for today (including watching portions and staying away from snacky stuff) B…
  • You sound all full of energy Nanc! Glad you are feeling better. I worked for a few hours, took a nap, went to the grab and go for some goodies for the week. Should last me through Wednesday then I'll stop back in. There are always, always, new dishes to try! Keeps it interesting, but I am not losing any weight and need to…
  • HI all... been another crazy week at work, but it's over. We are getting some snow and I brought work home so I don't have to go in tomorrow. Glad I did, because it is slick as hell out there and dicey getting home. It will be better tomorrow when the snow stops and the crews have been out. Not supposed to get more than a…
  • Sorry to hear that Nanc. I imagine your immune system is pretty worn down battling that long flu-bug, and the cold saw an opportunity. I haven't got near as much done while the boss was away as I hoped. I'm going to bed early tonight because it will be crazy tomorrow with him getting back and the calendar stacked.
  • Hi all, busy stressful day, but home now. My stomach is a bit off today and not sure if I want to eat dinner. Might just have a Dr. McD soup. Nice and light. Early bedtime. You're doing great, Nanc! I think our bodies go through adjustment periods after a loss (or even a gain) where it kind of wants to stay put for a bit.…
  • Man, I got a lot done today! At 7000 steps just from working around the house and garage. Marilyn, notice your absence. Hope you are doing okay. I am having a cocktail and then will eat dinner and I think an early bedtime to read for a bit and get to sleep early. I didn't get much work done this weekend staying busy with…
  • Haha... well I guess I'm really paying attention, Nanc! Radar has such a sweet little face!!! I have a bunch to do today and my brother is coming to help with some of it. Still eating good food from the grab and go. Sure has made life more simple having that place. Last night I had a veggie medley with red rice that was…
  • Hi all, been crazed all week trying to get stuff done so my boss could take off on vacation. Lots to do this weekend around the house and with work that I brought home. Have laundry going and then I'm going to work on my garage. Meeting a friend for lunch today and we're checking out a new warehouse store after. My brother…
  • It was a busy stressful week! I am going to the office today and tomorrow. Just taking my time over coffee before heading out this morning. Feeling a little stuffy and just ordered an air purifier for my bedroom hoping that will help with the morning stuffiness. I've managed to hit the treadmill a couple mornings this week…
  • Thanks for getting February started, Nanc. I had the day "off" although I did some work throughout the day. Got laundry done and ran some errands, did a little cleaning up including the garage. Need to be in the office all weekend because my boss is leaving for vacation and we need to finish some things before he takes…
  • Mornin' all, quiet here this week! I am doing a mini Mary's mini. I'm still trending down on the scale but the snack monster was stalking me. Usually a week of very simple eating calms that snacky crunchy craving. So it's potatoes and broccoli for breakfast, salad and more potatoes for lunch, and an entree from the grab…
  • Love the cards, Bisky! Spring, I used to have so much stuff in the cupboards that I bought for one recipe and quit doing that too. I am heading to the office today. When I get home I have to do some work around the house in preparation for the contractor coming back on Sunday to finish up.
  • Oh, Carla! I just got some of the Butler soy curls from Amazon. Kind of ordered on a whim and now I have to do something with them. I had something made with soy curls and can't for the life of me remember where or what it was, but I remember it was good. That's great you are sleeping better even without the supplements,…
  • Hi all... I am tired and sore, but happy! The big walk-in closet is so clean and organized, and got rid of a ton of clothes that I haven't worn in years. Also went through and cleaned out the drawers in the dresser, vanity, armoire and nightstands. I filled up 4 BIG trash bags. Feels good to have that done. I'm sure I will…