iheartmarshall Member


  • Maintaining has been much easier for me. I lost 50 pounds from 2013 to 2014 and have kept it off to where it's become my new normal. Since losing 50 pounds was my goal at the time, once I reached it, my exercise decreased and my eating habits went back to basically whatever I wanted yet I still maintained that weight. I…
  • Hey everyone! I'd like to join in on this challenge, so... Name: Sara Age: 27 Height: 5'8" Start weight (1st Feb): 192 Goal weight (1st March): 185 Weigh ins: 1st Feb: 192 8th Feb: 15th Feb: 22nd Feb: 1st March: Weight loss/gain this week: Weight loss/gain so far this month: Struggles/successes this week: I enter this…
  • I recently switched jobs and my activity level has severely decreased, so much that it's not even funny. My previous job was also a desk job, but I parked further away, had to walk way to the other side of the building if I needed to go to the bathroom or kitchen area, etc. Just moved a lot more than I do at this new one.…
  • I wish you luck, OP! The food part was the hardest for me and I had to stop acting like I was on a diet because it wasn't working. I can't sit here and say I will cut out all sugar or that I will eat a salad for every meal -- it's not my reality. But what I can do is stick to a healthy intake and eat in moderation. It…
  • The job is for a Business Development Specialist position and there would be a lot of interaction between company professionals and clients, so I do need to look nice. I just feel frumpy in my suit and don't have the money to buy a new one :(
  • I WAS* going to visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter mid-September and knew I needed to lose 10 - 15 pounds to fit more comfortably on the rides, so that was one of my motivators to start my lifestyle change. However, that trip is no longer happening but I am visiting a friend in Florida next weekend! Size isn't…
  • I've tried but haven't been successful. I drink one cup in the morning (ranging from 8oz - 16oz, depends on the "cup" size) while I'm sitting in the peace and quiet at work. Honestly, it's my saving grace... I can't stand my job but knowing that I can have my cup of coffee in the mornings before anyone else gets to work…
  • I have six smaller ones... a colorful star on each foot (one is purple/pink and one is blue/green), a treble clef on the back of my neck (this was my first one), a Harry Potter Deathly Hallows symbol behind my ear/on my neck (BEFORE they became super popular! haha), my Grammy's signature on my wrist, and the Modest Mouse…
  • Charleston, West Virginia
  • I'm an Executive Assistant for a small art nonprofit organization..... but I like to refer to myself as "Secretary Extraordinaire" It's incredibly boring, way below my level of capability, and my boss is a b*tch. But at least it's a job!
  • You are such an inspiration! You look absolutely beautiful... keep it up!
  • Ooooo I love me some Criminal Minds boys too! :)
  • Started out on the flute in 5th grade but in high school, I switched to the mellophone for marching band season (ten points if you know what that is!) and ended my senior year by playing trumpet. I miss it!
  • It all depends on the way you're built... I used to think the same way you did but I got over it and have begun to focus on making my body look the best it can for my shape. I know it can get discouraging, though. I'm a solid size 18, am 5'9, and weigh over 230 pounds! When I tell people my weight, they seriously think I'm…
  • Same here! I'm 5'9, currently 234 and a size 18. My goal is 180 and after that we'll see. I'm not here to get skinny.. I just want to be healthy. I want to keep some of my curves!!
  • I graduated in 2005 and I was in band, ran the lights in our theatre productions, went through a strange Hot Topic phase as a freshman, joined way too many clubs, and had really awkward half grown out bangs until I discovered a flat iron in 11th grade. Wow.... on paper I sound like a total nerd, but I wasn't. I don't…
  • Exactly! I'm extremely pale with freckles all over my arms and chest. When I do "lay out" in the sun, I even get them on my legs. I love being pale though and I take good care of my skin so that I'll still (hopefully) look good when I'm older!
  • I hadn't thought of a saturated shade like that.. I just kept getting stuck on purples and reds, but I like the idea! I'll explore that option for sure.
  • hahahahaha, part of the stripes are velvet too so that would only add to the fun! It's way cuter in person :)
  • Oh, and... "I'm from Boone County." "Do you know Jesco?" UGH!
  • Always a classic: "I'm from West Virginia." "Near Richmond?" NO. A THOUSAND TIMES NO.
  • You think a wine-y color would look good with the artwork? It's not like I can't change it; I did it myself and it turned out quite differently than I envisioned... as in, a slight disaster haha That couch is soooo comfy but I'm having a hard time pairing it with a color :/
  • Yes! When I feel pretty, I'll take the standard mirror pic and what I see in the mirror usually translates in the photo. I never thought about it like this, though... very good point.
  • I am SO glad that I am not the only one like this! I thought it was just me so it's reassuring to know other people look at themselves differently too. I think that's part of the reason why I was never motivated to work out before... when I saw myself, I didn't think I was that bad. Just recently did I realize I…
  • Most of my pets end up with a "w" word after their name. For example, I have two cats, Sookie and Daisy. I always call them "Sookie Wookie" or "Daisy Waisy"... I don't know what my deal is, lol One of my friends adopted a one-eyed kitten that she tried to name Uno. However, I thought "Padiddle" was much more appropriate.…
  • I so could've used this yesterday! I had a weak moment and ate Domino's.... :(
  • I'm 5'8 and my starting weight is 236. My goal (this round, anyway) is to lose 55 lbs to reach 180. Based on that and all the other stuff, my daily calorie goal is 1,570. I try my hardest to stay within that and usually eat around 1,400 - 1,600. Depending what I eat, sometimes I feel hungry throughout the day but I try to…
  • You are so beautiful and you look FABULOUS! I love your blonde hair too... super cute!
  • I've always been overweight but proportionate and overall liked the way I looked.... I knew I was chubby (size 18) but I was still confident. BUT THEN a month or so ago, I put on an old gym shirt from 8th grade that used to be super baggy on me (size L) that was now a bit snug. That was it... I knew I had to make a change.…