

  • Everything in moderation! Enjoy a little each day! Don't deprive yourself. An addiction to avocado is better than an addiction to something else that's way worse for you!
  • I changed my weigh-in to Friday this week. Down 4 pounds!! Yay!!! Keep up the good work everyone!!! Don't give up! You can do it!
  • What I do personally is my weighin day is Saturday. As long as I've lost something then I get to enjoy "Faturday". I eat whatever I want that day. I don't call it cheating and I still log everything though. As long as you can get back to your normal routine the next day then I would recommend it. Good luck!
  • 1. U2 2. Mariah Carey 3. Pearl Jam 4. Adele 5. Journey
  • You are such an inspiration. I weigh about what you weighed when you started and I even look like you a little in the picture, sizewise, and 160 is my goal weight. I know that someday I will be posting my goal weight pictures. I can't even imagine how great you feel! Congratulations and you are inspiring a lot of people. :)