

  • Sounds like a great idea! My last weigh-in today was 209
  • As someone already said, your weight loss to date as been great, you are going to slow down at some point! Just keep it up and you will start to lose again
  • New but definatly can give you some support, please add me as a friend
  • Losing weight is tough! Esp with a busy family. I am about 60 lbs over weight, make that 55 now, yeah Me! Anyway, would love to be part of your support system. You can do it. My sister had the lapband in April and is doing great!
  • I know that feeling quite well. I have been bouncing around 200 for the last several years, and while not happy, not really motivated to do anything about it. Got up to 217 and that did it. Lost six pounds like week, and hope to stay motivated to keep it up. We can support each other.
  • New too, just started MFP today, but definately motivated to lose some weight, lost 6 lbs last week when I started dieting. That was great, but have a long way to go. My biggest motivation is to look better naked, so guess we are on the same page. Good luck
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