

  • Oh honey - consider the source. People who say such things have no radar about their comments. She has poor social skills or she would not be so impolite. You should reply with a big smile - YES! I've done so well with my new meal plans and weight loss that I CAN actually count the calories in my ground beef and factor it…
  • Yep. Like the majority of you. I weigh in the a.m., after I potty, before I have coffee.
  • Yeh... one more comment. It's not your responsibility to teach the neighbor's kids how to stay fit. Be kind - just be kind. :smile:
  • 1. It is never okay to name call. Fat is a mean spirited word. 2. There is always more than one way to say something - you can simply say "my walking time is really a time when I like to unwind and think. I prefer to walk alone" 3. An apology IS in order for calling them fat. It doesn't cost anything to say you are sorry…
  • Hi buddy, I'm a mom and a grandma. I'd love to give you a little moral support in the way of life experience. My daugher, who is 32, was born with a rare genetic error. Her diagnosis is Prader-Willi Syndrome. You google it. Man it's a killer. Literally. Basically, she got a double whammy! People with this disorder have…
  • I know how to loose weight the healthy way - (My problem is keeping it off). Okay - here's how I do it. 1. Throw away processed foods in your cupboard. Don't buy more 2. Turn the food pyramid upside down. Eat unlimited non starchy veggies. Get full. 3. Eat fresh fruits - get full. These you should probably measure but it's…
  • Good to meet you Jennifer. I just enjoyed a very delicious meal that soooo low cal and healthy - Steamed chicken and mixed veg from our local Chinese take out. Did not exercise today. Oh well. There is always tomorrow morning! Let me know if you have any low cal meal tips. I'm the worst cook ever.
  • Hi there! Would you mind sharing your recipe for Taziki (Think I spelled it wrong). Thanks! :smile: