

  • Twelve wings is perfectly feasible for a main meal... especially if there's a good conversation going on and you aren't worrying about the food. To the OP, don't worry about it, you live and learn... and at least you *have* learnt. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who would never gain anything positive from that…
  • I'm still waiting for my first date with my husband (we've been married eleven years, and together 15). We met through my ex fiancé, and he then went on to sub let a room in the house I was renting at the time. Once I saw how much he liked cats (and more importantly how much the cats liked him) it was kind of inevitable…
  • If your anything like me, then your fingers go into automatic as you type, and with ketoacidosis being such an important issue with diabetes it's no wonder it inserted itself into your post...
    in Should I? Comment by Rowann June 2011
  • I know what you mean... I'm the world's worst arachnophobe (well, actually I'm very good at being an arachnophobe, but you know what I mean), and even I couldn't resist having a look at the picture (with my hand on the mouse ready to switch to another page if it was too horrible). I do try not to kill spiders - just…
  • Have you checked with your doctor? Are you tired all the time, or just at specific times/place? I was anaemic for a long time and really struggled with tiredness. It may be worth getting something like that checked.
  • It's not often I respond to such a post as this.. I read them, I commend the poster to myself, and then I move on. However, today, I just have to say thank you so much for laying this all out. It was just what I needed to see today. January 2010 I started to lose weight for various reasons, and over the course of the year…
  • I'm so looking forward to getting to this point myself... congratulations.... :)
  • A lot depends on your body shape as well as your weight. At my heaviest I was around the 17st 5lb (243lb), and I'm 5'3". I was wearing a UK 24-26. I'm now at 180lb and wearing a UK size 14 (It was an amazing feeling the day I realised I didn't have to shop in Evan's anymore... ;) ). I'm quite big busted (no matter how much…
  • This is definitely what I'd do too... no reason to penalise the child for your personal opinions on their mother.
  • I've thankfully been happily married for years now, but even when I was younger (and I was always' the fat one' of my group of friends), I never had a problem getting a boyfriend (might not have always been the one I wanted... ;) ). The one thing I can say about my previous boyfriends. Not one of them went out with me…
  • I hail from England, and over the last couple of years ate out at least three or four times a week. I actually found it so much easier to keep control when somebody else was cooking for me than when I cooked at home (different story now, but that's because I moved to NZ and can't afford to eat out as often... ;) ). Just be…
  • I'm afraid I still haven't... I started my weight loss almost eighteen months ago (with a three month break in the middle because I emigrated and had other things to worry about). I enjoy eating, always have, always will... I just know that if I want to have any quality of life as I get older then I need to get on top of…
  • Don't worry about 200 calories. If you can recoup them without going below a net of 1200 for the day, and without being too hungry, then fair enough, but otherwise just let it go and chalk it up to experience. I was in a similar position over the weekend; I really wanted to get Chinese food, and had the calories for it,…
  • I was getting to the point of weighing myself most days, and finally decided it's counter productive. I've now got together with some friends on Facebook, and we have a weekly weigh in wherever we are, and post our current weight and how much we've lost/gained. I find it helpful to do something like this, as at least this…
  • bump... I'll try that this weekend I think... thanks for sharing... :)
  • You're half the person you used to be... and I mean that in the nicest possible way. Well done... :)
  • Applesauce... just wanting to make sure I'm singing from the same hymn sheet as everyone else. Is applesauce what it sounds like to me, ie, effectively stewed apples that have probably been passed through a sieve? Or am I missing something? If it is, then that sounds awesome if it will work instead of butter... :) I…
  • Chatham in Kent? If so, I used to live there for a short while... I kind of liked the place... :)
  • I used to find that Ben and Jerry's frozen yoghurt was pretty good. I bought some of the Cherry Garcia one by mistake one week (thinking I was picking up the ice cream), and it was only when the pot was finished did I realise it had been the yoghurt... it's lovely, and a lot fewer calories. I miss Ben and Jerry's since…
  • If you make it too strong it can be really horrible and quite bitter. The trick is to get it so the water is barely coloured, and then it's lovely... :) I like to make it in a bit pot, only use one tea bag, and then remove the bag once the water has the right colour. It will darken as it oxidises, but won't get any more…
  • I'm quite bad for chocolate, but so long as I can work it into my calories I don't see any reason why not to have a little something most days. At the moment I tend to plan out and log what I'm going to eat a few days in advance, and I always make sure there are a couple of hundred calories left over for something nice.…
  • I purposely reset my calories to only lose half a pound a week, and I still have a very long way to go (currently 183, aiming for around 130). I was suffering similar things to you, and decided, that for me, I would rather get there much more slowly than risk falling off the wagon and not getting back on. The way I have…
  • I've been asked in the past, and like somebody else on here my response was "no, I'm just fat." However, I don't think any rudeness was meant by it, I just think the person concerned just didn't consider what the reaction might be if I wasn't pregnant. Having said that, several of my male friends, when travelling on the…
  • Once you've got the initial hypo under control you should also then be giving a source of complex carbohydrate to stop it all happening again 20minutes later as those simple/rapid carbs leave the blood stream.
  • I hate to say it, but for a short while I found myself being really judgemental towards other overweight people (When I'd started to lose reasonably significant amounts). I'd got it into my head that just because I was doing something about my weight why weren't they. I then smacked myself around my head and got a grip. I…
  • but never fasten it up as that could accentuate the rolls... ;)
  • I love cottage cheese on toast, but I have to say that if you use the really low fat version it can be a bit unpleasant. If you're going to have it with toast try to go for 3 or 4% fat... Obviously the lower fat versions are going to be better for weight loss, but even at 4% it's better than some of the alternatives.
  • You probably taken the hardest step by realising you have an issue, and deciding to do something about it. As has been said already, there are plenty of people on here who have been in a similar situation to you, and with hard work, perseverance, and knowing when to ask for help when it got too much, they have taken great…
  • The pills aren't getting rid of all the fat you take in. They block no more than a third of the fat you consume... you can still take in the good fats that we all need.
  • There's nothing to stop you having the good fats with Orlistat/Xenicol/Alli (whichever name you want to use for it). you just have to limit the grams of fat per day, and it's up to you to decide on what type of fat those grams should be made up of. I took it for a few months, and it helped. It's not like a magic wand, you…
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