londoneye Member


  • So Americans are lazier and greedier than Europeans? I don't buy that...
  • Haha! Nice one... ;)
  • You're absolutely right that poverty is correlated with obesity in all western countries. But that doesn't explain cross-national variations. For that you have to look to environmental, social and public policy factors.
  • OK, so if it isn't the environment and public policy, why is the obesity crisis so much worse in the US?
  • I believe that Medicare and Medicaid are taxpayer funded. And thanks for assuming I don't/cant vote!
  • That document is about the schools themselves requiring PE, rather than the government. Anyway, as I was saying, my point is that in countries where governments take public health seriously and promote healthy living, people are... healthier! It isn't a question of society vs the government. It's OUR government, and it can…
  • I'm in Luxembourg. Everyone is thin and no-one seems particularly oppressed to me!
  • So who pays for the medical costs of obesity?
  • Most States do not. Have a look at HBOs recent 'weight of the nation' doc for more info But I guess that you would support such a move, which, as I was trying to point out, is an example of government intervention in 'private' health matters.
  • Do you know how many BILLIONS obesity costs the US economy (and taxpayer)???
  • I'd also like to point out that soda is cheap due to govt corn subsidies. Maybe THAT is where the govt should back out!
  • Yes, and the OP was talking about soft drinks, one of the only food products directly linked with obesity. My point with the example of sidewalks and PE regulation was that government can have a role in making a healthy lifestyle easier and more accesible to us all.
  • PE in schools is regulated at State level "In its first report since 2000, the National Association for Sport and Physical Education gave states and the federal government a failing grade on physical education in the American school system. Noting that no federal law requires that physical education be offered in schools…
  • Right, but I didn't say Americans were lazy. My point was that they are made fat by their environment and the food and activity incentives and opportunities around them. Town planning is something that (can be) influenced and regulated by governments, so that walking to a nearby shop to buy fresh produce is something that…
  • Yeah, God forbid Americans learned any lessons from countries who have stayed slim by spending tax money on building SIDEWALKS so people don't have to drive everywhere, or MANDATING physical education in schools, or REGULATING fast food advertising... A socialist nightmare! (That just happens to result in people being…
  • As you say, people are still free to drink as much soda as they like. This is a 'nudge' in the right direction. Everyone will end up paying the huge economic costs of obesity... even people who aren't fat themselves!
  • And who is going to mandate recess time and pay for school sports facilities if not the government? I find this attitude of many in the US that it is 'us' vs 'the government' to be very strange. The government IS us. Its the mechanism by which we can act collectively to achieve things that individually would be impossible!
  • No. It is healthy and contains fibre that keeps you full. Just avoid fruit juice (no fibre) and you'll be fine!
  • Coffee, lots of water, fibre-rich foods. Exercise can curb emotional eating.
  • Oats if you want something filling and warm, nuts if you want something crunchy, and yogurt or fruit if you want something fresh and sweet!
  • Exercise has health benefits, but its use for weight loss is actually marginal (it becomes a lot more important at the maintenance stage). It gives you a couple of hundred calories extra to play with, but we all know how little food that amounts to! Reducing calorie intake is the key factor for weight loss
  • Careful of vegetarian food in canteens! It is often the highest calorie option. For some reason many canteen chefs think 'vegetarian' means 'pastry stuffed with cheese/cream'. That is certainly the case in my office canteen. I'm usually better off with the meat option and asking them to replace the chips/french fries with…
  • I know that correlation does not necessarily equal causation. But often there is a causal mechanism that links two correlated phenomena. For example, people who eat less calories are correlated with people who weigh less. The causal mechanism is that people who eat less calories than they burn do not store excess calories…
  • Wow... you speak latin, you must be SO clever! Seriously, if you want to succeed in something, looking at the behaviours of other people who have achieved your goal makes sense. Of course, eating breakfast isn't necessary in order to lose weight and maintain that loss. 4% of long term maintainers in the study NEVER eat it.
  • Fruit is healthy and nutritious. If you love it, you should take advantage and absolutely make it part of your diet. The only limit is your MFP calorie goal. The more you enjoy the food you eat, the more likely you are to keep to your calorie limits and the more sustainable your weight loss will be in the long term :) The…
  • Agree with all of the people who say that it doesn't matter when you eat, physiologically, in THEORY. BUT The National Weight Control Registry has identified that one of the key things that people who have lost weight and kept it off in the long term have in common is that they eat breakfast. RESEARCH METHODS AND…
  • Eat foods you love, do exercise you enjoy. Otherwise it will never be sustainable in the long term. If you love healthy foods, you're lucky, if not, you have to drastically cut the portion sizes of your junk food and keep trying healthy foods until you find some you like (they are out there, I promise).
  • Hahaha! Well, from my point of view, I've achieved the ability to eat 100 extra calories that day! That might be a glass of wine, or piece of cheese while still losing weight with the default MFP defecit. Everyone's a winner! Also, you'll have achieved the significant health benefits of exercise. Endorphins, improved…
  • These 'pounds' were not pounds of fat. They were natural fluctuations which take place over the course of a day based on water weight. Personally, if I eat under one day, I tend to be hungrier the next and allow myself to compensate. The most important thing is the balance over a few days.
  • The best fruits to eat are whichever ones you get the most pleasure from eating. That way, you won't feel deprived and will be able to maintain your weight loss in the long term!