

  • I suffered for a while with anxiety and panic attacks. They came on suddenly even in the midst of a moment of no stress. The worst was every day when I drove to work and saw every imaginable way I could die in the car on the highway. This went on for a year. I understand how awful it is. The chest pain, the diarrhea, and…
  • I'm 144 lbs and my daily goal is 1480. It's tough. I didn't realize before this app that I ate so much! What's your daily goal?
  • Hi. I'm 5'7" and at the moment am 144 lbs. My goal is to be around 130 in a few months. I'm middle-aged and find that I don't drop the weight nor the inches like I did in my 30's. I just started using this app this week and find it helpful. I haven't lost any weight yet, but feel pretty good. My shorts a little looser.