myveganp Member


  • Hey girl! Add me as a friend on here and let's chat. I can give you a list of my fave blogs with meatless meals (and apps, sides, etc!). <3
  • That happens to everyone! Motivation comes and goes. The key is making habits that stick and work for your lifestyle. Then, you just DO IT every day. You won't see the fluctuations in weight and you won't be as hard on your self. Simple, repetitive actions daily amount to amazing rewards. All about consistency! And the…
  • Hey all! I am loving the fit of my current Asics shoes that are for running, so I would like to purchase another pair of Asics for usings for my home workouts (lifting free weights and kickboxing). Do you have any suggestions for Asics that would be good for this type of activity?
  • Hey there! I'm a vegan 97% of the time (sometimes eating cheese or fish when I'm starving on a deserted island somewhere ;) ) and also find myself protein deficient most days. Lately I've been using Perfect Fit Vanilla Protein by Tone it Up and I really like it. It tastes pretty good and keeps me full without adding lots…
  • My husband got me this one for my birthday. It comes with three blades. So far I've used it on carrots, squash, beets, and squash. Seems versatile in terms of what you can use it for but size is key. You can't use skinny veggie chunks or ones that…
  • Raw and Gluten-Free Carrot Cake Bites with Bonus Maple Cream Dip recipe:smile: