Dandelionesss Member


  • Here's mine, I make it most days because it is extremely satisfying when I was something indulgent. Sweet Potato Chips You'll need: 2 large sweet potatoes 2 tbsp coconut oil salt lime juice Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Peel sweet potatoes and slice a 1/4 inch thick (approximately, maybe a bit thinner) Melt coconut oil…
  • It sounds like everyone is doing really well! Woo hoo. I'm doing well, I'm on track. Weigh in is tomorrow because I forgot to do it this morning. I didn't really take an accurate weight when I started this, I rounded a number I had a few days previous. I am kind of regretting it, but we'll see how it looks tomorrow. I am…
  • Hello everyone, I'm so glad we've found each other! I will be 25 in a few days and have been trying to lose weight since I was 20. Wow, I hadn't realized it has been so long. I was a skinny kid and teen and then one day that changed and I've been gaining steadily since. I am really excited about finding a community to do…
  • I am coming back here to really get these 50lbs gone. When I started it was 30lbs, and so I really need to support, and someone who needs my support to keep me accountable. If you (or anyone else) would like to add me, please do!
  • Hello, I am just getting back to MFP tonight and have been looking for some friends to add. I have about 50 lbs to lose, which is less than half of what you are going to accomplish, but I'd love to be in this together. Add me if you'd like. :)
  • Wow, thank you so much everyone. This is a truly amazing community of people changing their lives day by day. I look forward to joining your ranks.
  • Hello! I am in the same boat as you, new city, new home, new job, new life. I have sent a request!