Aislingoshea Member


  • Hi pbear1. To be honest, I did it unhealthly, but I just wanted a quick fix to gain some confidence. I dieted 4/5 days of the week and then had 2/3 days off. For my dieting days, I ate around 800 calories. I ate john west tuna packed lunches (200-300 calories, which kept me full for quite a while) and for dinner I ate…
  • Hi can ye add me! I'm 5" 7.5 and I want to cut down to 135lbs-140lbs by Christmas time-ish. During the summer I was 135lbs at my lowest and was 161lbs for the past few months now. I started dieting 2 and a half weeks ago (I think) and have lost 14lbs and am now 147lbs! :) I have 12 more lbs to go and need motivation and…