

  • Overslept this morning, but completed day 3 after the kids went to bed tonight. I think it might be getting easier already. Or maybe I didn't try as hard. Either way, I made it through, taking fewer breaks than I did in the last two days. I feel like I've gained weight though. I'm refusing to weigh until a week has passed.…
    in Day 3 Comment by skshaw January 2013
  • This is the first time I've been involved in a group like this. It's so nice to see other people feeling like I do! I woke up a little sore, but my husband was geared up to go for a walk. Being the supportive spouse I am, I went along... for the whole four miles. When we got home, I made him shred with me. I fully…
    in Day 2 Comment by skshaw January 2013