

  • NO NO and NO! I am in the same boat as you (sort of). I am not seeing the results I want as quickly as I want. I just posted asking for motivation because it is soooooo hard! Then I have to look at what I have gained, better stamina, clothes fitting differently, etc. Haven't you seen any of those changes too? Anyway, I was…
  • I do Zumba at home 3-5 days a week and can tell a difference in many ways. My stamina is increasing, my clothes are fitting differently, etc. I have not really shed pounds yet and I try not to get discouraged because I know I am building muscle which weighs more than fat. I am just soooooo tired of being overweight and…
  • It's like you are in my head! I am still trying to get the attitude of "slow and steady". Reading your post and seeing your pics proves that it is worth it to soldier on to get where you want to be. How does it feel to be so inspiring? I hope to be there someday! Thank you for sharing and adding to my motivation. You look…
  • Hi Shaunda! I am new to myfitnesspal and like you I got busy with my child - just one though:) I have creeped up to 182 and am completely not happy with myself on camera. I look back at recent family photos and see that I am always behind the camera so it is like I am not even there. I miss that feeling of being with my…