

  • i probably just partied like always. in Canada the drinking age is 19, so my 21st wasnt anything special. i dont even remember what i did when i became legal drinking age. actually, i wasnt much of a drinker at the time anyways. but i always had a great group of friends that treated me special on my birthdays. i think if…
  • wonderful! nice meeting you!
  • that makes a lot of sense. lol much appreciated!
  • I downloaded the 3 levels of the 30 DS. but im curious, do you do 30 days of EACH level? or do all 3 levels in 30 days? im thinking its each level for 30 days. but i just want some clarification? thanks.
  • work out, take care of yourself because you want to better the way you feel..... . but make time for family and friends too. its all about balance. if your husband is complaining about you working out too much, make plans for a regular date night,. one day a week that you can set aside for you 2. then you can have the best…
  • Oops, I should have scrolled down a little to find my answer! :)