ITTYbitty04 Member


  • It didn't seem to be much more than 75 calories. But I like it because It is helping increase my indurance and I feel like I am getting a harder workout. I'd like to get the P90 DVD's that everyone is talking about but don't wan to spend the money, I want to use the 10 or more exercise DVD's I have and try to modify the…
  • I totally agree! It would help keep me focused on eating right all day because I didn't want to risk eating bad and wasting all the hard work I'd done that morning. I have kind of stacked off the last week, but need to start getting back up because i can see that i'm not as focused on eating the righ things as I was when I…
  • Yes you can get awesome burns from doing everday outside work. A month weeks ago I wondered how many calories i'd burn if i shoveled snow with a shovel instead of using my snow blower. I put on my heart rate monitor and was really surprised that it said i had burned about 675 calories for a solid hour of snow shoveling! I…
  • some good comments here! I never really though about it, I usually weigh mine after the cooking is done. no matter if its meat or pasta! will have to do it both ways now to see what the difference is!:blushing:
  • glad you joined! you will really enjoy the site! I know I do.:smile:
  • I try to eat things i enjoy every day, but in moderation! if i want some cookies(having 3 oreo's today!) I have cookies. My favorite snack food is trail mix with nuts, m&m's, raisins and yogurt covered peanuts and if i'm not careful I can eat at least 700 calories in one sitting! I have learned to pay attention to the…
  • Hummus is ground up chick peas with herbs and olive oil usually mixed in it, it comes in all kind of flavors, my favorite is rosted garlic tomatoes!
  • I second that! I usually do Taboule salad with my hummus also!
  • :smile: my alltime favorite has always been apples and peanut butter no matter weather i'm watching the calorie or not! and then second trail mix, but with the latter I have to watch myself because it taste so good I don't stop eating it!
  • thanks for the info on BUMP I didnt know what it meant either!:laugh:
  • thanks for the recipe! i'll try it this weekend when the rest of the family has pizza! i've had turkey pepperoni but have't been able to find it lately, where did you get it walmart too?
  • Welcome and good luck on your weight loss journey! MFP is a great tool if you use it along with exercise. Hope you get the results you want before your trip, and if not keep at it because we didn't put the pounds on over night! I have come to realize that slow and steady if better than fast weight loss because the results…
  • I'm in for the challenge! current weight 193 and I haven't had any chocolate today! how often is the weigh in? and how can I find this topic again? can I bookmark it or something?
  • welcome to MFP it is a awesome site and a really great tool that will help you stay accountable to what you eat. I agree with the other posts, log everything you eat even on those bad days and do better the next day. I find that if I log my measl the day before and have given real conscious(sp?) though to what i'm going to…
  • Hi Corey, I have a home gym and an elliptical also. I have just started really using our home gym and am trying to be serious about sticking to a plan. I am the type of person who likes to do things in a group and at the big commercial gyms but decided not to renew my membership because i have everything I need at home. I…
  • I've been reading about these muffins but haven't had them yet still looking for a store that carries them in my ohio are. I did find a recipe online that you guys might want to take a look at and see if you'd like to give their recipe a try. let me know if anyone tries them before I get to them!! hope they are good! the…
  • I have had the same question myself! and I usually play it by ear as to weather I eat the extra exercise calories or not. If I'm feeling hungry I eat a few extra but I never eat the total that I have burned. I look at it as a waste if I do because it takes a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories to lose 1lb of fat, so if I…
  • Hi I usually do 4 oz. baked chicken, mostly with salad filled with all kinds of raw veggies, usually oz of Feta cheese(my favorite) , I do a steamed veggie or a very small side of brown rice, and lite dressing(under 80 calories). I usually alternate between baked fish like Salmon, Talipia, or Orange Roughy. Love ground…
  • thanks jill I think I will continue to scale down my calorie burn, what can it hurt? just means I'll be pleaseantly surprised if I lose alot of pounds the next time I weigh in!
  • Hi forever28 I was wondering how long you do the walking DVD for? i usually do the 3 mile walking DVD and it takes about 50 minutes. My HRM usually says I burn about 400-450 calorie for the session. I am wondering if my HRM is over estimating or am I at about the right calorie burn? I know that it depends on the weight of…
  • Hi I put mine under cardio. and log how long I did it for and it will give you the approximate calories burned. I usually wear my heart rate monitor and the totals for MFP and my HRM come in very close. I really love her DVD's and try to use them at least 4 days a week when I first get up. you're welcome to add me as a…
  • what great inspiration you have given me and many others! give yourself a great big ol hug for a awesome job well done. Thanks for sharing!
  • Hello I also use her walking DVD's and I love them! I was wondering too how to log it and how many calories I burned, so I bought a inexpensive heart rate monitor from walmart for around $50. So far my watch has calculated that I burn anywhere from 500-550 calories for the 3 mile walk(45min). I used the MFP activity…
  • Welcome! hope you enjoy the site as much as I have been. It really helps me focus on what I'm eating and to stay focused! Add me to your friend list and we can help motivate each other!
  • :noway: yes I too am wondering about the sugar content! does it have real sugar or a artificial sweetner? Just looking at the picture made me want a big heaping bowel like yours! but I don't like any of the artifical sweetners.
  • :happy: Hi Ceria I only want to lose about 40-50lbs but I'd be willing to help you through as much as I can. I have been really motivated and have been pretty good about exercising at least twice a day, sometimes 3 if I can fit it in. My quest is to lose weight and avoid Diabetes so add me as a friend and we can see if we…
  • goodmorning! I wish you luck. I too have tried many things diet wise and have yo-yoed back and forth with my weight for years. I want the change to and am really trying hard to make it happen this time. I joined back i October 2010 and stopped logging, bu now as of almost 2 weeks ago I have recomitted myself to getting…
  • I wanted a Polar heart rate monitor also but didnt want to send the extra money. I just bought a very inexpensive one from walmart and it cost $48 and it counts calories, grams of fat burned, has a chest strap, you can set your minimun and max heart rate to alarm when out of the zone, and has other features. So far the…