

  • I ment to say I burn 1000 calories a day.
  • I am on a 1200 calorie diet. I exercise 5-6 days a week and burn 100 calories a day. I am trying to lose 1-2 pounds a day therefore what should be my NET everyday ? I am so confused.
  • Good Morning! I started the workout level 1 on Monday but I was soooo sore that I had to rest Tues and Wed. I started it up again yesterday. I am feeling abit sore but I will continue with it. Today is day 2 for me. I would like to join with you even though I am 1 day ahead. Good luck. I am starting with 5 lbs on level 1…
  • I have started this workout and I am on day 3 today. I am sore! It says to do it everyday so I will even though I am sore.
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