

  • 1 wear high heels and it not hurt 2 buy clothes off sales rack. 3 being able to work without sweeting so much 4 revenge on ex. i am going to be hot and he cant have it.
  • i had not really thought of it i am finding just fitting into pants better is a reward. but i think when i hit my 10% i will buy a new outfit. and when i get down to my goal i plan on getting skin redution sugary. i have way to much loos skin. 4 years ago i weighed 285 lbs. and i am just getting serious about it now so…
  • if you have increased your fiber you need even more water, but if you are really badly backed up you will have to go to dr. to get it straightened out. i have had this happen to me and feels like you are going to die cant even stand up straight. i hope you go soon. :laugh:
  • i am on day 4 and my arms and abs really hurt yesterday. i feel better today. it is up to you but i think its the parts that hurt that needed the most work. it works on whole body. one thing to help with muscle pain i heard once was to eat jello. the gellitin helps replenish muscles. i dont know for a fact