

  • Congratulations on your achievement! Those last 12 pds. Are nothing compared to what you have lost so fat :) I also started with the holistic/natural approach first (Nature Sunshine Target TS II & the thyroid activator) even though I had more energy and took the natural pills for about six months my numbers did not change…
  • I got mine at Costco because they had a special. The membership of one year is included ;)™-LINK-Armband.product.11680103.html?catalogId=10701&keyword=Bodymedia&langId=-1&storeId=10301
  • Sorry to hear that. Nobody seemed to notice mine and it does feel very comfortable. However it is a bit bulky and it has given me little pimples/rash on my arm. I clean it with alcohol.
  • Thanks! :) I did that and think is easier to log the goods on MFP. The calories burned during exercise also transfer right away to MFP and that is great. Do you also use a heart rate monitor?
  • Thanks for sharing :) I always thought that Synthroid being the original is better but they assured me that Levo is the same thing, if it wasn't the FDA wouldn't approve it. No one really knows until you try it and listen to your body. Some patients that start on Synthroid And switch to Levo report feeling the effects.…
  • Cool, thanks. Just joined.
  • Thanks for sharing. Happy to read happy stories. Best wishes.
  • Thank you Eli, best wishes to you. I am relieved to know of no negative side effects.
  • Thanks, I didn't know :) it makes sense. How do you like Levo, any effects you have noticed?
  • I'm sorry for all the repetition, I just figured how to quote and answer, I'm new at this :flowerforyou: thanks.
  • Thanks for sharing. Don't worry, talk to your doctor about how you feel. I was told it takes sometime to get to the right dosage but once is adjusted you stay there and start to feel balanced. Best wishes :)
  • Thanks for sharing. Don't worry, talk to your doctor about how you feel. I was told it takes sometime to get to the right dosage but once is adjusted you stay there and start to feel balanced. Best wishes :)
  • Thanks for sharing. Don't worry, talk to your doctor about how you feel. I was told it takes sometime to get to the right dosage but once is adjusted you stay there and start to feel balanced. Best wishes :)
  • Thanks, I didn't know :) it makes sense. How do you like Levo, any effects you have noticed?
  • Thank you for replying. Congratulations on your weight loss! Keep it up. I still weight the same as when started MFP (2 1/2 wks. Ago) and have been on synthroid for 3 days only (25mcg) the doctor said that is very low (minimal dosage) to take it for a month and then go up to 50mcg. He wants to see me in 4 months. All I…
  • Awesome! What a great Christian example :) God is faithful. Thanks for sharing. Gb.
  • How do you do that?
  • Wow, interesting. Keep it up and keep us posted.
  • Thanks :) same to you. I got the BodyMedia Fit from Costco. I like it so far because it seems to be accurate. It recorded my exercise and sleep time well. Hopefully it will help me to be aware and lose the extra weight. Some reviewers recommend using myfitnesspal+bodymedia. I think is a good combination. A heart rate…