

  • The gym can be a great place to lose weight, yet it can be costly. The only thing our body wants (apart from food and water, and the occasional pleasure) is to remain in motion, if you have a busy schedule or have long hours at work take some of your time to take the stairs instead of the elevator or go for a walk instead…
  • I love chocolate, but I know that it can come with a lot of unwanted calories. So every once in a while I enjoy a piece of the sugar free dark chocolate from hershey and since it has a rich flavor it satisfies my craving and I don't feel guilty. I never used to like dark chocolate, till I had to appreciate my allotted…
  • Many fruits contain a lot of sugar that tends to harm any diet. If you really love fruit, try cutting down to only two apples a day or two oranges etc., and try to avoid eating too many grapes (since they have much more sugar than we would like). Also try eating more lean meats, like low fat/fat free beef and chicken,…