

  • Hi, I also am in this club. It's definitely hard to think I will ever lose anymore weight. I'm actually only trying to lose about 5 more pounds because I know I will not eat the way that will require me to lose more than 5 pounds...if I can even do five! I am about 130 and plateau-ing. I just started doing High Intensity…
  • I've done it. I thought it was good. What I like is that it is short, intense and provides structure. You need to keep the pace to reap the rewards though, so you need to push yourself to make it count, right? I think it's good to use for a month...then do something new. You need to keep changing routines to get…
  • Something protein-dense will be the most satiating, that is, despite one's desire for something high in simple carbs :). Could you do something like pre-make a chicken salad with celery, a few raisins, light mayo, mustard etc.salt and pepper--keep it as low fat as possible--and have it in the fridge for when you get home?…
  • Wow, you look amazing! well done, you are totally an inspiration!
  • I am so with you all! I am only trying to lose about 3-5 pounds, I started with the idea of 5-10, but now I am thinking, crap, is 3 even realistic? My body just loves staying at 131-130. I mean, I can live with this, but not if I am doing all the restriction, giving up the evening glass of wine. I am very frustrated that I…
  • I saw someone suggested shrimp. While I agree, it is a good source of protein. Many farmed shrimps/prawns are actually quite unhealthy (ie toxic) because of the way it is produced. I avoid farmed shrimp. I've worked in fisheries and have learned quite a bit about all the toxins that go into shrimp and it's not nice. Here…
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