I am a chronic overeater and LOVE food. One of the things that helped me was figuring out portion size with my scale. I've gone through many diets and thats one thing that has always helped me. Cook at home, make it a goal to make anything you could get in a restaurant and make it better. Better in calories and exactly…
i agree with washing your face beforehand. I used to use the olay cleansing cloths before a workout and then immediately shower afterwards. if you are traveling to a gym and not showering there you might want to use the cleansing cloths before you drive home.
Your cravings could be out of habit or that your body might be missing some sort of nutrient. Usually protein makes my cravings better because I can realize that I'm not physically hungry, but mentally hungry. Maybe you should not buy junkfood for a while and see if that helps? Or do what I do, if my husband wants junk in…
add me too, a support group would be great
I am right there with ya! I am very aware of it now fortunately but I still struggle with it.