kjensen15 Member


  • I wouldn't imagine many if any calories, but SODIUM! Probably a days worth!
  • Heck my baby was over 8 lbs when he was born and is over 14 lbs now at 3 months! Then put him in his carrier and there is another 10 lbs! I'd be screwed if we weren't designed to carry more than 6.6 lbs!
  • I have a 3 month old and I work 8-5 and right now the only time I have is my lunch hour. I am able to take about an hour and 15 minutes which gives me enough time hit the gym to lift. I just started doing Jamie Eason's live fit trainer so the first 4 weeks is all weights no cardio, so its working out well right now.…
  • You obviously have not looked into her program at all. Probably should do that before you make comments like this.
  • Agreed! IMO if your sugars are coming from natural sources fruits and low far dairy you are probably ok! Just watch the baked goods!
  • I know you prefer no eggs but i made egg muffins last night... I used a carton of egg whites, sauteed zuccini, squash, mushrooms, bell pepper, and onions in EVOO, garlic powder and a little salt, a 1/2 cup of 2% milk, and a 1/2 cup cheese. Poured into muffin tins and backed for 25 mins in a 400 degree oven. Even my husband…
  • If you aren't looking to use it as a meal replacement I think you can mix it with water and it's 90 calories, I'm sure that really effects the taste though. You would get the same benefits from a multi vitamin.
  • Agreed! Its just calorie restriction, I'd personally prefer to eat real food and lose weight. As some one mentioned above you don't learn how to eat portions so when you come off of it there is a high probability you will put the weight back on. It's just another fad diet plan! People always looking for the quick fix!
  • Who are you (leader of your crew, heart throb, coolest nerd EVARRR,) ? Jock/nerd/party queen, I went a little wild my senior year, but still was valedictorian and started on the basketball and soccer teams. What 4 songs are playing in heavy rotation? All songs on the Chronic 2001 Where do you plan to be in 10 years?…
  • I'm in! Need some motivation to get the rest of my baby weight off!!! Name/ real name: kjensen15/Krista Current Weight: 154 Challenge Goal Weight: 140 04/09: 04/16: 04/23: 04/30: 05/07: <<150>>> 05/14: 05/21: 05/28: 06/04: <<<145>>> 06/11: 06/18: 06/25: 07/02: <<<140>>>
  • Umm this sounds AWESOME!
  • For my oatmeal I use a TBS of reduced fat peanut butter and a packet of Splenda! It's really good and helps with the taste, b/c I'm like you and can NOT do plain oatmeal! Also, dairy does contain quite a bit of sugar, you might look at finding lower sugar alternatives. My personal opinion is if the sugars are coming from…
  • She was simply asking for suggest from others that may also be suffering from IBS. IBS has many verified triggers and symptoms hearing what has worked for someone else may be beneficial for her. I believe she has already talked to a doctor, but there really isn't much a doctor can do to help this condition, it really is…
  • Agree with the previous poster on taking probiotics! I have had GI issues for a long time, ulcers, acid reflux, gall bladder disease/removal and probiotics really seem to help me out. Spicy or fatty foods and recently excessive amounts of sugar or artificial sweetners are some of my trigger foods. Which is really hard for…
  • Protein also helps keep you fuller longer!
  • Feel free to add me too!
  • Google Jamie Eason's homemade protein bars! They are so good! I've made chocolate banana flavored ones and pumpkin ones!
  • Agree with previous poster. If I weigh myself at the end of the day after eating 3 meals, a snack and drink a TON of water I can weigh 6-8 lbs more than I did that morning. Then the following morning I'm back down to the lower weight.
    in 4 lbs?! Comment by kjensen15 March 2012
  • I'm no expert but I've seen my sister and several friends that were trying to lose weight and took up running. After running for a few months they decided to do some sort of race a 10K, a half, or maybe a full. When they consistently start to do long runs across the board their weightloss has haulted. You have to take in…
  • Just by reading what you are saying, I would try adding some more calories. Maybe try netting 1500 calories a day for a couple weeks and see what that does. It's all about trial and error. There is not one standard way for every person to lose weight, you just have to find what works for you. I know it can be frustrating,…
  • Honestly if I were you I would cut back on your cardio and add back in weights. If you have an hour I'd do a 10 min warm up, 20 minutes of weights, and then end your session with 30 min of some type of cardio.
  • Like most people have said Fajitas are usually a safe bet. I just eat the meat and veggie with salsa on them. If I'm really wanting "real" mexican food I order a la carte items... like one enchilada, or one taco with a side of black beans! I definitely go crazy with the salsa on anything I do eat!
  • My husband and I on our honey moon in Cabo! Ahhh I wish I could go back there right now!
  • I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND!!!!! I have the exact same problem! Finding jeans is the worse for me.
  • Well since this is still going, I will go ahead and post some of our other animals! A Chocolate Lab named Reese Pieces Chocolate Bar Mix Breed named Chevis - my dad is a Scotch drinker Now the rest are all have Oklahoma State University ties... Yellow Lab - Miss T. Belle - after Tatum Bell Mixed breed - Mason - after…
  • ME TOO!!!
  • We had a dalmation named Ink Spuddals MacKenzie Ink because he a a black spot over his eye that looked like an Ink spot. Spud(dals) MacKenzie after Spuds MacKenzie and then the breeder added "dals" to all her dogs names since they were dalmations!
  • I've only had it fried!
  • Vodka tonics!
  • You are just about exactly where i am! Drives me crazy trying to find jeans that fit!!! If they fit in the waist they're too tight for my hips and thighs. Then if I buy them to fit my legs I get the annoying gap thing around my waist and my undies hang out! Please tell me you have the same issue?!?!?!?