1) Switch Kicks - 55 2) Power Jacks - 26 3) Power Knees - 40 4) Power Jumps - 15 5) Globe Jumps - 10 6) Suicide Jumps - 10 7) Push-up Jacks - 15 8) Low Plank Obliques - 15 I run about 20 minutes to warm up :)
love the idea ! maybe we should do something like that every workout day ? sharing everyone how we felt ? how we progress ? and just keep tracking every day ? I will post my result tomorrow !
Hello everyone ! My family calls me Mini. I'm a foreign language student from Germany ! I just discovered this app myfitnesspal yesterday... and i love it ! So exicted to start tracking my calories and eating habbits. I work part-time in a clothing store and I moved about 3 years ago due to my studies. Well I felt some…