I used a leash on my oldest son only when he was little. He was autistic and uncommunicative plus he had the super power of sneaking away quickly and quietly. He was brave and unafraid of leaving my side. Before him, I thought the leashes were cruel, too. The first time I lost him and couldn't find him in a crowded store,…
Midland, TX
Thanks everyone for the awesome support! Sorry it took so long for me to reply. I usually avoid forums so I didn't know at first how to find when someone replied to my posts. As you see, I finally figured it out :embarassed:
I'm so glad to see someone else uses the "old" music torture. When my preteen daughter cops attitude with me in the car, I pop in AC/DC or some other heavy metal. Most kids HATE that kind of music! I get a lot less attitude while driving which I think improves my driving skills. All she's got to do is see my hand going for…
The last time I lost weight like that I went shopping at secondhand stores and yard sales. If you buy a few good pieces that fit better it seems to make the oversize stuff look better. I bought pants and skirts because the oversize shirt look was in. The thing I discovered after losing weight is that most people who stare…
2 eggs scrambled with a little pico de gallo and a little cheese or mexican sour cream (depends on how I feel that day) in a whole wheat homemade flour tortilla.
Thanks so much for this recipe. I love Clif Bars but they are getting so expensive. This will mean that I can have them more often :smile: