qbnprncess Member


  • Hey all! Just keep at it! I recently had to reset my mentality back, and even went to the extreme of making sure i measure out everything on a scale that I am eating. and recording it. I have the last 12 lbs to lose and it is really critical to for me to stay within the calorie goal as well. Just this last week i dropped…
  • It takes you body a while to adjust to a new lifestyle. And be honest with yourself have you been cheating a lot and sneaking in some sugars/ chocolate? I know that that is my downfall. Once you eat primal for a while and then start cheating you might notice how your body reacts a lot more than how you were eating…
  • I recommend you focus more on a primal diet than paleo. I find it more of a lifestyle. You can also stick to full fat dairy and be ok. Main thing is that if you want to lose weight you need to stick to 80 Carbs per day (including vegetables). And make sure you are also being active. Check out www.marksdailyapple.com for…
  • I am in a similar position, have been on my fitness pal for a while, but im hitting the reset button! Will send a request.