

  • I usually just look at my daily walking as a "bonus", since it varies, but my campus is relatively small, so it's probably less than 2 miles. I should go measure on googlemaps or something just to find out, though! Just out of curiosity, what does everyone have their activity levels set to?
  • Uh oh, I'm hitting an obstacle already -- my boyfriend (goes to another school 4 hours away) is coming to visit for the weekend. When we're together it's always lots of eating out and not enough exercise, so we'll see how I do!
  • My goal for the week is to get above 1200 calories every day, hopefully around's easier for me to stay too far under while I'm here at school and I think that's what leads to going wayyy over when I go home to my parents' house! I need to get the overeating at home problem fixed before the summer so I'm trying to…
  • Hi everyone, I've never posted on the boards but I've been on MFP for maybe five-ish months...I'm a college girl so this thread sounds great! Is it okay if I join even though my goal is to maintain and get in better shape??
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