Hi everyone, I had my gallbladder surgery yesterday. The doctor explained everything clearly to me and did point out that some people had issues with certain foods, but the majority don't have to change their lifestyle. After my surgery I found out I had 2 large stones (about a plum stone size) and some smaller ones. It…
Thanks again everyone! It's really good to hear that the majority of people have had pretty good experiences! I'll let everyone know how it goes. Just to add about the pain of a gallbladder attack, I've got a freakishly high pain threshold and have broken bones, dislocated and joints without much complaint. The doctors are…
I was vegetarian for 5 years, carnivore for 5 years and have now been a pescetarian for 5 months. Fish in moderation is really good for you and allows you to get your protein without worrying about bad fats. I think if it's for health reasons you should maybe think about giving up red meat and sticking with chicken and…
Thanks for the advice everyone. I think i'll just go in for the chop and avoid reading horror stories online, everyone on here seems to have had a far better experience. As much as I love red wine, I think I love not having pancreatitis more (although it's a close one). Prevention is better than cure right? Also, my mum…