Sheilaeford Member


  • Siggi's for me. I love the skyr and (with fresh chopped fruit and a tiny sprinkling of granola) the filmjolk. I travelled to Iceland earlier this year and filmjolk (and fish, and steam-cooked rye bread!) were breakfast staples. When I came home and found it I was ecstatic :) I can usually get the yogurt on sale for…
  • I saw it in Costco and bought the book- read it, was pretty amazed re: the addiction portions - and then did a little research. (I also made the carrot flaxseed muffins that are supposed to be really good). Check out: (she really did a nice job) and debunks…
  • I'm a nurse who is always trying to get my diabetic patients to eat less carbs- and I want to see how really difficult it is. Got the Atkins book this week, decided that ketosis was definitely not my style but that decreasing carbs to ~25 per meal was. Amazingly, in the 4 days between weigh in's, I've seen the scale drop…